Ethics Case Study 8

Case Study 8: Amitesh and Princy recently married and lucky enough to join same software company as engineers, under a same team leader, but they have signed a contract with the company. The team leader has started flirting with Amitesh’s wife and also started giving trouble to Amitesh in terms of putting him under lot … Read more Ethics Case Study 8

Ethics Case Study 7

Case Study 7:- You are an Indian diplomat send to Pakistan to negotiate on Kashmir issue.The diplomat you work with Mr. Ahmad is a senior diplomat and in a decision taking position and his soft side makes him agree to some Indian demands which otherwise might not go through that easily. The pact is to … Read more Ethics Case Study 7

Ethics Case Study 7

Case Study 7:- You are an Indian diplomat send to Pakistan to negotiate on Kashmir issue.The diplomat you work with Mr. Ahmad is a senior diplomat and in a decision taking position and his soft side makes him agree to some Indian demands which otherwise might not go through that easily. The pact is to … Read more Ethics Case Study 7

Ethics Case Study 6

Case Study 6:- You have completed IAS probationary training and come to visit your 89 year old grandmother who stays in a remote backward village. At home, grandmother, whom you love most is ecstatic and has made all the arrangements to make you feel comfortable. You were received with lot of fanfare in village and … Read more Ethics Case Study 6

Ethics Case Study 5

Case Study 5:- You are Director General in the Ministry of Public Works Department and have access to important policy decisions along with upcoming big announcements such as road construction projects before they are notified in the public. Your son is a land dealerand wants to know the complete details and he is insisting you … Read more Ethics Case Study 5

Ethics Case Study 5

Case Study 5:- You are Director General in the Ministry of Public Works Department and have access to important policy decisions along with upcoming big announcements such as road construction projects before they are notified in the public. Your son is a land dealerand wants to know the complete details and he is insisting you … Read more Ethics Case Study 5

Ethics Case Study 4

Case Study 4:- You were transferred as a DM in a district 1 year ago with a huge problem of illegal encroachments. You are doing your best to demolish all illegal encroachments in the district. At the heart of the city, there is an immediate need of widening a road where lots of accidents have … Read more Ethics Case Study 4

Ethics Case Study 3

Case Study 3:- There is a district notorious for kidnapping cases and you Join Our Telegram Channel are serving as Superintendent of Police (SP) of the same. In one case, 15 school girls have been kidnapped and hidden in an unknown place. You got confirm information from your investigation that also, in previous cases, girls … Read more Ethics Case Study 3

Ethics Case Study 3

Case Study 3:- There is a district notorious for kidnapping cases and you are serving as Superintendent of Police (SP) of the same. In one case, 15 school girls have been kidnapped and hidden Subscribe on YouTube in an unknown place. You got confirm information from your investigation that also, in previous cases, girls were … Read more Ethics Case Study 3

Ethics Case Study 2

Case Study 2:- Ratan is a farmer who grew sugar-cane on his two acres irrigated land and had borrowed money from a private bank to buy a tractor. He bought the tractor from the money he had received from bank loan but, also used part of the money to pay dowry and expenses for his … Read more Ethics Case Study 2

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