Contribution of Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India

Raja ram mohan roy During the late 18th century (what was known as the Dark Age), the society in Bengal was burdened with a host of evil customs and regulations. Elaborate rituals and strict moral codes were enforced which were largely modified, and badly interpreted ancient traditions. Practices like child marriage (Gouridaan), polygamy and Sati … Read more Contribution of Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India

Psychology stress management

Psychology stress management Stress arises when individuals perceive a discrepancy between the physical or psychological demands of a situation and the resources of his or her biological, psychological or social systems. There are many ways of coping with stress. Their effectiveness depends on the type of stressor, the particular individual, and the circumstances. For example, … Read more Psychology stress management

Emotional Intelligence – Concepts and their Utilities

Emotional intelligence: Applications in governance and administration Work rules are in a constant state of flux with new yardsticks by which workers are being evaluated. In today’s corporate world it is increasingly being recognised that an impressive curriculum vitae, good credentials and technical expertise does not have the desired impact in someone with low emotional … Read more Emotional Intelligence – Concepts and their Utilities

Dimension of ethics: Role of administrators in society and educational institution in the inculcating

Dimension of ethics: Role of administrators in society and educational institution in the inculcating Ethics in private and public relationships- Behaviour, Moral and Political attitudes of administrators. Public administration depends on government. Government has the function Join Our Telegram Channel for public administration. Its responsibility is to build a road by creating the environment which … Read more Dimension of ethics: Role of administrators in society and educational institution in the inculcating

Kantian ethics

Kantian Ethics Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher at the heart of a movement known as the Enlightenment. He reacted against the evangelical Lutheran Pietism of his schooling, with its emphasis on religious devotion and biblical literalism. He valued reason independent of revelation or emotion, though he did imbibe his parents‟ values (they were harness- … Read more Kantian ethics

Freedom of will and moral responsibility

Freedom of will and moral responsibility From its earliest beginnings, the problem of “free will” has been intimately connected with the question of moral responsibility. Most of the ancient thinkers Subscribe on YouTube on the problem were trying to show that we humans have control over our decisions, that our actions “depend on us”, and … Read more Freedom of will and moral responsibility

Utilitarianism- J.S. Mill

Utilitarianism- J.S. Mill Utilitarianism is a philosophical view or theory about how we should evaluate a wide range of things that involve choices that people face. Among the things that can be evaluated are actions, laws, policies, character traits, and moral codes. Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism because it rests on the idea that … Read more Utilitarianism- J.S. Mill

Cardinal virtues of Plato

Cardinal virtues of Plato The cardinal virtues comprise a quartet set of virtues recognized in the writings of Classical Antiquity and, along with the theological virtues, also in Christian tradition. They consist of the following qualities:  Prudence : also described as wisdom, the ability to judge between actions with regard to appropriate actions at … Read more Cardinal virtues of Plato

Administrative Ethics: Ethics and human interface: Essence, Determinants and Consequences of ethic and human actions

. Administrative Ethics: Ethics and human interface: Essence, Determinants and Consequences of ethic and human actions Administrative Ethics: Ethics and human interface: Essence, Determinants and Consequences of ethic and human actions Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs Ethics refers to well-based standards of right … Read more Administrative Ethics: Ethics and human interface: Essence, Determinants and Consequences of ethic and human actions

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