Niti Ayog – National Institution for Transforming India

Niti Ayog – National Institution for Transforming India   The National Institution for Transforming India, also called NITI Aayog, was formed via a resolution of the Union Cabinet on January 1, 2015. Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube NITI Aayog is the premier policy ‘Think Tank’ of the Government of India, providing both directional … Read more Niti Ayog – National Institution for Transforming India

Central Vigilance Commission

The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is a landmark institution. By the middle of the 1960s the Central Government felt that drastic action needs to be taken against pervasiveness of corruption. The jurisdiction of the CVC spreads over the Union government employees, employees of all public undertakings, numer­ous other corporate bodies. The jurisdiction of the CVC … Read more Central Vigilance Commission

Framing of Indian Constitution

Making of the constitution 1934: Idea of constituent assembly put forward by M N Roy 1935: INC officially demands constituent assembly 1938: JL Nehru’s declaration on the constitution of India 1940: Nehru’s demand accepted in the form of August Offer August Offer PM: Winston Churchill While rejecting INCs demand for independence of India after the … Read more Framing of Indian Constitution

Salient Features of Indian Constitution

Lengthiest written Constitution: Originally our constitution contained 395 articles divided in 22 parts and 8 schedules. Constitution has been amended 98 times. Currently there are 25 Parts, 12 Schedules, and 448 Articles. These figures show our constitution as the most comprehensive constitution in the world. (British have no written constitution and Constitution of USA had … Read more Salient Features of Indian Constitution

Features, Amendments and Significant provisions of Indian Constitution -For RAS RTS Mains and Ras RTS Prelims Examination

Amendments Amendments to the Constitution are made by the Parliament, the procedure for which is laid out in Article 368. An amendment bill must be passed by both the Houses of the Parliament by a two-thirds majority and voting. In addition to this, certain amendments which pertain to the federal nature of the Constitution must … Read more Features, Amendments and Significant provisions of Indian Constitution -For RAS RTS Mains and Ras RTS Prelims Examination

Basic Structure of Indian Constitution

Basic Structure The basic structure doctrine is an Indian judicial principle that the Constitution of India has certain basic features that cannot be altered or destroyed through amendments by the parliament. Key among these “basic features”, are the fundamental rights granted to individuals by the constitution. The doctrine thus forms the basis of a limited … Read more Basic Structure of Indian Constitution

The Preamble

The Constitution of India begins with a Preamble which describes the nature of the Indian State and the objectives it is committed to secure. K.M. Munshi describes the Preamble as the political horoscope of the constitution. Thakur Dass Bhargawa says Preamble is the most precious part and the soul of the constitution. The Preamble reads: … Read more The Preamble

Directive Principles of State Policy

An important feature of the constitution is the Directive Principles of State Policy. Although the Directive Principles are asserted to be “fundamental in the governance of the country,” they are not legally enforceable. Instead, they are guidelines for creating a social order characterized by social, economic, and political justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as enunciated … Read more Directive Principles of State Policy

Fundamental Rights and Duties

The Indian constitution originally provided 7 categories of fundamental rights. But one fundamental right, that to property was removed from the list of fundamental rights by 44th amendment. Right to property now is an ordinary legal right. Thus there are now 6 categories of fundamental rights. These are:  (1) Right to equality (Arts. 14-18). In … Read more Fundamental Rights and Duties

Parliamentary Form of Government

Parliamentary form of Government is the system of government in which there exists an intimate and harmonious relationship between the executive and the legislative departments, and the stability and efficacy of the executive department depend on the legislature.Its a system of government in which the power to make and execute laws is held by a … Read more Parliamentary Form of Government

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