DMPQ-Indian Constitution has come a long way and proved to be successful one. But the maker of the constitution , constituent assembly is not immune from criticism. Comment

Indian constituent assembly framed our constitution and its success and sustainability even after 70 years is commendable. But there are certain features which opens the gate for criticism. These are as follows: It was not the representative body as members were not directly elected. It was not the sovereign body as it was not constituted … Read more DMPQ-Indian Constitution has come a long way and proved to be successful one. But the maker of the constitution , constituent assembly is not immune from criticism. Comment

DMPQ-Writ Jurisdiction of High court is concurrent or have more power as compared to SC. Comment.

Writ jurisdiction  is provided to HC under article 226 of the constitution and to SC under article 32 of the constitution.  One can approach any court in case of violation of Fundamental rights. Hence the power is concurrent. But High court has the power to say no to the writ. But such power is not … Read more DMPQ-Writ Jurisdiction of High court is concurrent or have more power as compared to SC. Comment.

DMPQ- Mention the objectives and functions of National development council.

Objectives To secure cooperation of the states in the execution of the plan. To strengthen and mobilize the effort and resources of the nation in support of the Plan. To promote common economic policies in all vital spheres. To ensure the balanced and rapid development of all parts of the country. Functions To prescribe guidelines … Read more DMPQ- Mention the objectives and functions of National development council.

DMPQ- Discuss the views of Supreme Court of India on Uniform Civil Code and a need for it.

The Supreme Court for the first time directed the parliament to frame a Uniform Civil Code in 1985 in the case of Mohd Ahmed Khan v Shah Bano Begum. In Sarla Mudgal v Union of India 1995, Justice Kuldip Singh reiterated the need for the Parliament to frame a Uniform Civil Code, which would help … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the views of Supreme Court of India on Uniform Civil Code and a need for it.

DMPQ- Write a short note on the Centre State Financial Relations.

Indian Constitution has made elaborate provisions, relating to the distribution of the taxes as well as non-tax revenues and the power of borrowing, supplemented by provisions for grants-in-aid by the Union to the States.  Article 268 to 293 deals with the provisions of financial relations between Centre and States. The Constitution divides the taxing powers … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on the Centre State Financial Relations.

DMPQ:Writ Jurisdiction of High court is concurrent or have more power as compared to SC. Comment.

Writ jurisdiction  is provided to HC under article 226 of the constitution and to SC under article 32 of the constitution.  One can approach any court in case of violation of Fundamental rights. Hence the power is concurrent. But High court has the power to say no to the writ. But such power is not … Read more DMPQ:Writ Jurisdiction of High court is concurrent or have more power as compared to SC. Comment.

DMPQ:Emotional intelligence is considered important element of civil service administration. Comment

Intelligence quotient is not enough for a civil servant it has to be backed by emotional intelligence. The nature of work is very different and complex. It becomes hostile sometimes. Hence the situation demands emotional intelligence. Further public dealing and public service make it necessary to have emotional intelligence. Mechanisation and too much rule bound … Read more DMPQ:Emotional intelligence is considered important element of civil service administration. Comment

DMPQ:What are the compulsory provisions for 73rd amendment act?

73rd amendment act gave the constitutional sanctity to the panchayat. IT was the landmark event in Indian constitutional History. The amendment had certain compulsory provisions and some voluntary provisions.   Compulsory Provisions are as follows: Organisation of Gram sabha Creation of 3 tier panchayati raj at District, Block & Village level All the seats in … Read more DMPQ:What are the compulsory provisions for 73rd amendment act?