DMPQ:Constitution of India was finalised in Constituent assembly but its seed were sown during freedom struggle. Comment

Most of the features were inspired from the freedom struggle and their demands were put forth by the freedom fighters during national movement.  These demands were incorporated by the Constituent assembly after due deliberations. Features shaped by Indian Leaders during freedom struggle: Fundamental Rights: Nehru report gave 19 fundamental rights. Citizenship: Single citizenship also from … Read more DMPQ:Constitution of India was finalised in Constituent assembly but its seed were sown during freedom struggle. Comment

DMPQ:What is Emotional Intelligence? What is the need for emotional Intelligence in Civil Services?

EI is the ability to understand and regulate our emotions and that of others to handle interpersonal relationships effectively. Need for EI: Work environment of civil services has become much more complex, even hostile at times. There’s multiplicity of work (new schemes) and shortage of personnel. Civil service itself is beset with problems of corruption, inefficiency, … Read more DMPQ:What is Emotional Intelligence? What is the need for emotional Intelligence in Civil Services?

DMPQ-Given an account on the recommendation of sarkaria commission in case of Hung assembly.

The state assembly should not be dissolved unlessthe proclamation is approved by the parliament.The party or combination of parties with widestsupport in the Legislative Assembly should becalled upon to form the Government.If there is a pre-poll alliance or coalition, it shouldbe treated as one political party and if suchcoalition obtains a majority, the leader of … Read more DMPQ-Given an account on the recommendation of sarkaria commission in case of Hung assembly.

DMPQ- Write a short note on differentiated banking.

The banks which could be differentiated on the accountof capital requirement, scope of activities and servethe needs of a certain demographic segment of thepopulation are called as Differentiated Banks or NicheBanks.The idea of Differentiated Bank was mooted byNachiket More Committee 2014, for FinancialInclusion. It can be classified as Payment Banks, SmallFinance Banks, Regional Rural Banks, … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on differentiated banking.

DMPQ :Electoral reforms are organic in nature demand for them is increasing even at a rapid rate. In this context, outline the electoral reforms put forth by the ECI.

The major demand by ECI are as follows: First and foremost demand is to make the demand charged expenditure on. It will provide financial independence to the ECI. The denial of Financial independence does not go well with the status of ECI. Independent secretariat for the commission A proposal has been made by the commission … Read more DMPQ :Electoral reforms are organic in nature demand for them is increasing even at a rapid rate. In this context, outline the electoral reforms put forth by the ECI.

DMPQ :Legislative council is just a dilatory chamber and does not enjoy the status as that of Rajya Sabha. Comment

LC is not an effective body as that of Rajya Sabha. It is just a dilatory chamber. Even constitution does not grant the powerful status to council.  The existence of the council depends upon the will of the assembly which itself reduces its stature. The areas which accord unequal status are: A Money Bill can … Read more DMPQ :Legislative council is just a dilatory chamber and does not enjoy the status as that of Rajya Sabha. Comment

DMPQ-How office of Governor is against the principle of federalism?

It is argued that the appointment of the Governor by the President of India cuts short the autonomy of the states and goes against the principle of ‘state autonomy’ thereby weakening federalism. The procedure of appointment and the removal of the Governor, also make theCentre strong because his term of office is not secure and … Read more DMPQ-How office of Governor is against the principle of federalism?

DMPQ:India is a federal country. In the light of this statement outline the features of federalism in India.

Features: Written constitution with exhaustive coverage. Constitutional forefathers tried to cover each and every aspect. It limits the operations of the government at the centre. Supremacy of the constitution also ensure final authority of constitution and their written words. Constitution is not easily amendable and specific pre requisite are required to ensure amendment. It limits … Read more DMPQ:India is a federal country. In the light of this statement outline the features of federalism in India.

DMPQ- Explain the different types of Corruption.

Types Of Corruption Systemic corruption As opposed to exploiting occasional opportunities, endemic or systemic corruption is when corruption is an integrated and essential aspect of the economic, social and political system, when it is embedded in a wider situation that helps sustain it. Systemic corruption is not a special category of corrupt practice, but rather … Read more DMPQ- Explain the different types of Corruption.

DMPQ-Do regional parties promote national integration of different parts of society?

  Another criticism of Regional Parties is their exclusionary ideology. Some parties like Shiv Sena function on double exclusion, by invoking Maratha and Hindu pride. These thus create artificial differences in society, by highlighting differences and ignoring the commonalities. Most national parties, on the other hand, have all inclusive ‘sarvajanik’ principles, inclusive of all people … Read more DMPQ-Do regional parties promote national integration of different parts of society?

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