DMPQ- What are the recent initiatives and Mission mode Projects for E-Governance?

§  UID The unique identification project was conceived as an initiative that would provide identification for each resident across the country and would be used primarily as the basis for efficient delivery of welfare services. It would also act as a tool for effective monitoring of various programs and schemes of the government.   e-Governance … Read more DMPQ- What are the recent initiatives and Mission mode Projects for E-Governance?

DMPQ- Mention the Salient features of Indian constitution.

The bulkiest constitution of the world The Indian constitution is one of the bulkiest constitution of the world, comprising of 395 articles, 22 parts and 12 schedules. So far the constitution underwent 100 amendments. Rigidity and flexibility  The Indian constitution is combination of rigidity and flexibility, which means some parts of it can be amended … Read more DMPQ- Mention the Salient features of Indian constitution.

DMPQ- Explain the Village Courts.

The village courts are named as Lok Adalat or Nyaya Panchyat which means the service of justice extended to the villagers of India. This is the system for resolving disputes in micro level. The need of these courts is justified though the Madras Village Court Act of 1888. This act is followed by the development … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Village Courts.

DMPQ- How are the official documents in India are classified ? Analyse the impact of RTI on Official Secrets Act.

Section 8 of RTI Act exempts certain items from being disclosed through an RTI. Section 22 only covers overriding of provisions of Official Secrets Act, 1923 that are inconsistent with those of RTI Act, the documents classified under OSA are not covered. Therefore, Official Secrets Act may cause hinderance. It is a loophole that has … Read more DMPQ- How are the official documents in India are classified ? Analyse the impact of RTI on Official Secrets Act.

DMPQ- Mention the Civil society’s functional contribution to good governance.

Civil society’s functional contribution to good governance could be: Watchdog — against violation of human rights and governing deficiencies. Advocate — of the weaker sections’ point of view. Agitator — on behalf of aggrieved citizens. Educator — of citizens on their rights, entitlements and responsibilities and the government about the pulse of the people. Service … Read more DMPQ- Mention the Civil society’s functional contribution to good governance.

DMPQ- What are the main functions of Trade Unions in India?

Functions of Trade Unions in India Collective Bargaining-Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has defined Collective bargaining as“the technique by which dispute as to conditions of employment is resolved amicably by agreement rather than coercion”in this process negotiations and discussions take place between employer and employee in respect to working conditions.Refusing to bargain collectively is an … Read more DMPQ- What are the main functions of Trade Unions in India?

DMPQ- What are the Principal and Secondary objectives of Social Audit?

Principal Objectives of Social Audit   The principal objectives according to Goyder are as follows. The extension, development and improvement of the company’s business and building up of its financial independence. The payment of a fair and regular dividend to the shareholders. The payment of fair wages under the best possible conditions to the worker. … Read more DMPQ- What are the Principal and Secondary objectives of Social Audit?

DMPQ- What are the duties of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)?

Duties of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) • Receipts and expenditure of the Union and the State Governments accounted for in the respective Consolidated Funds. • Transactions relating to emergency Funds (created for use in circumstances) and the Public Accounts (used mainly for loans, deposits and remittances). • Trading, manufacturing, profit and loss accounts … Read more DMPQ- What are the duties of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)?

DMPQ- Mention the Public Service Values and a standard of ethics in the Public Service operations

The Government shall promote the Public Service Values and a standard of ethics in the Public Service operations, requiring and facilitating every Public Service employee: To discharge official duties with competence and accountability; care and diligence; responsibility, honesty, objectivity and impartiality; without discrimination and in accordance with law. To ensure effective management, professional growth and … Read more DMPQ- Mention the Public Service Values and a standard of ethics in the Public Service operations

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