DMPQ- Discuss the aim and objectives of social legislation.

OBJECTIVES OF SOCIAL LEGISLATION : Social legislation derives its inspiration from our constitution and has the following specific objectives: i)Removal of discrimination on the grounds of sex, religion, caste, class etc. and promotion of equality to all. ii)Safeguard the rights of the weaker section such as women, children, elderly, widows, destitute and the backward classes. … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the aim and objectives of social legislation.

DMPQ- What are the compulsory provisions which are binding on all States under 74th Constitutional Amendment ?

Some of the compulsory provisions which are binding on all States are: Constitution of Nagar panchayats, municipal councils and municipal corporations in transitional areas (areas in transition from a rural area to urban area), smaller urban areas and larger urban areas respectively; Reservation of seats in urban local bodies for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes … Read more DMPQ- What are the compulsory provisions which are binding on all States under 74th Constitutional Amendment ?

DMPQ- Evaluate the centre State Relations During Emergencies

Under President’s Rule: The State Governments cannot ignore the directions of the Union Government, otherwise the President can take the action against the Government of the State stating that the administration cannot be carried on the accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and thus can impose President’s rule on the State. In such an … Read more DMPQ- Evaluate the centre State Relations During Emergencies

DMPQ- First time in the history of elections art 324 was invoked. What is article 324?

The Election Commission has invoked its powers under Art 324 to curtail campaigning in West Bengal following violence in Kolkata. The Election Commission of India passed an unprecedented order ending the campaign in West Bengal at 10 pm the following day instead of 5 pm on May 17 as was notified earlier, and is the … Read more DMPQ- First time in the history of elections art 324 was invoked. What is article 324?

DMPQ-What is National human rights commission and its composition? Outline its major objectives. (POLITY)

NHRC is a statutory body set up in 1993 by an act of the parliament. The commission is the watchdog of human rights in the country, that is, the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the constitution or embodied in the international covenants and enforceable by the courts … Read more DMPQ-What is National human rights commission and its composition? Outline its major objectives. (POLITY)

DMPQ- E-Drishti.

An ‘e-Drishti’ interface has been unveiled. This software includes an interface which provides summary information on punctuality of trains for the previous day. There is also an interface which provides information on current train running on the Indian Railway network. In addition, there are interfaces providing details of freight earning, freight loading and passenger earnings … Read more DMPQ- E-Drishti.

DMPQ- Operation Meghdoot

Operation Meghdoot was the code-name for the Indian Armed Forces operation to capture the Siachen Glacier in the Jammu and Kashmir State of India, precipitating the Siachen Conflict. Launched on 13 April 1984, this military operation was unique as the first assault launched in the world’s highest battlefield. The military action resulted in Indian troops … Read more DMPQ- Operation Meghdoot

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