DMPQ- Impeachment of President under article 61 is a difficult task to achieve. Comment

Article 61 of the constitution provides for the impeachment procedure of President.  The impeachment can be done on the basis of violation of the constitution. No such charge shall be preferred unless- the proposal to prefer such charge is contained in a resolution which has been moved after at least fourteen days’ notice in writing … Read more DMPQ- Impeachment of President under article 61 is a difficult task to achieve. Comment

DMPQ- How Pressure groups affect the Political structure and its dynamics across the country.

A pressure group is a group of people who are organised actively for promoting and defending their common interest. It is so called as it attempts to bring a change in public policy by exerting pressure on the government. It acts as a liaison between the government and its members. Example: All India Trade Union … Read more DMPQ- How Pressure groups affect the Political structure and its dynamics across the country.

DMPQ-Concurrent list in the constitution is source of tension between Centre and state. Comment

The essence of federalism lies in the sharing of legal sovereignty by the union and the federation units. This separation of power is done through list system enshrined in 7th schedule of the constitution. There are Union list ( Centre law making zone), State list ( state law making zone), Concurrent list ( both can … Read more DMPQ-Concurrent list in the constitution is source of tension between Centre and state. Comment

DMPQ- Write short note on PRAGATI.

PRAGATI is an information and communications technology-based platform for, as the name reveals, pro-active governance and timely implementation. It was launched in 2015. It is an interactive and integrated platform chiefly for addressing the grievances of the common man, while at the same time, monitoring government projects and programmes/schemes. The platform was designed by the … Read more DMPQ- Write short note on PRAGATI.

DMPQ- State governments in India don’t enjoy exclusive power to make law on state subjects. Comment.

State governments generally have exclusive right to make laws on state subjects but there are instances when Parliament can legislate on state subjects. Circumstances under which Parliament can make laws on matters enumerated in the State list: Article 249: When Rajya Sabha passes a resolution supported by two-thirds of the member present and voting, declaring … Read more DMPQ- State governments in India don’t enjoy exclusive power to make law on state subjects. Comment.

DMPQ- Parliamentary control over executive is on decline. Discuss the factors responsible for it.

In reality the parliamentary control over the executive is more theoretical than practical. The following factors are responsible for this: The administration has grown in volume and the Parliament has neither the time nor the expertise to control it. Parliamentarians are usually laymen who face difficulty in understanding the demands for grants which is technical … Read more DMPQ- Parliamentary control over executive is on decline. Discuss the factors responsible for it.

DMPQ- What do you mean by Alternative dispute resolution? What are the significance of ADR?

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provides an alternative approach to traditional process of dispute resolution through litigation. It provides accessible, useful, informal, voluntary, speedy and inexpensive justice to contesting parties. ADR mechanisms in India inter-alia include arbitration, mediation/ conciliation, Lok Adalats and Consumer Dispute Redressal system. Significance of ADR: Mediation can play a very useful role … Read more DMPQ- What do you mean by Alternative dispute resolution? What are the significance of ADR?

DMPQ- Art 15(6) and art 16(6) introduced recently in Indian Constitution aimed for positive discrimination. Critically analyse.

Above articles were added by the 103rd constitutional amendment act. The aim of the amendment is to provide reservation upto 10% to economic weaker section. It is above the existing quota of reservation. Art 15(6) –  Provided for the reservation in education Institute. Art 16(6)- Provided for reservation in employment to government jobs. They are … Read more DMPQ- Art 15(6) and art 16(6) introduced recently in Indian Constitution aimed for positive discrimination. Critically analyse.

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