12 Finance Commission of India

  The Twelfth Finance Commission  was appointed under the chairmanship of C. Rangarajan on November 1, 2002 to make recommendations regarding the distribution between the Union and the States of net proceeds of shareable taxes, the principles which should govern the grants- in-aid of the revenues of States from the Consolidated Fund of India and … Read more 12 Finance Commission of India

Role of World Bank, IMF WTO & other Important International Organisations in world Economy:-

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), commonly referred to as the World Bank, is an international financial institution whose purposes include assisting the development of its member nation’s territories, promoting and supplementing private foreign investment and promoting long-range balance growth in international trade. The World Bank was established in December 1945 at the … Read more Role of World Bank, IMF WTO & other Important International Organisations in world Economy:-

Infrastructure of Rajasthan

Infrastructure of Rajasthan Extensive, efficient and quality infrastructure network, mainly including electricity, transportation and communication is the prime requirement for sustainable and inclusive growth of almost all sectors of the economy. High class infrastructure certainly accelerates the pace of development. Now, when the Indian economy is emerging as a fast growing economy, the Government of … Read more Infrastructure of Rajasthan

FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT- DIRECTION (Communication,Supervision,Motivation,Leadership)

        Directing is concerned with instructing, guiding, supervising and inspiring people in the organisation to achieve its objectives. It is the process of telling people what to do and seeing that they do it in the best possiblemanner.   Elements in Directing: The four essential elements in Directing are :   Communication … Read more FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT- DIRECTION (Communication,Supervision,Motivation,Leadership)

Decision-Making: concept, process and techniques

  Decision making is an essential part of planning. Decision making and problem solving are used in all management functions, although usually they are considered a part of the planning phase. A discussion of the origins of management science leads into one on modeling, the five-step process of management science, and the process of engineering … Read more Decision-Making: concept, process and techniques


  Marketing Management is a social and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each others.   CORE CONCEPTS OF MARKETING   NEED/ WANT/ DEMAND:   Need: It is state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.   Want: Desire for specific … Read more MARKETING MANAGEMENT


  Marketing involves a number of activities. To begin with, an organisation may decide on its target group of customers to be served. Once the target group is decided, the product is to be placed in the market by providing the appropriate product, price, distribution and promotional efforts. These are to be combined or mixed … Read more MARKETING MIX  


      Concept:     Wealth maximization is the concept of increasing the value of a business in order to increase the value of the shares held by stockholders. The concept requires a company’s management team to continually search for the highest possible returns on funds invested in the business, while mitigating any associated … Read more WEALTH MAXIMIZATION


  Sources of finance are the most explored area especially for the entrepreneurs about to start a new business. It is perhaps the toughest part of all the efforts. There are various sources of finance classified based on time period, ownership and control, and source of generation of finance.   The process of selecting right … Read more SOURCE OF FINANCE


  The financial requirement of a firm can be met through ownership capital and/or borrowed capital. The ownership capital refers to the amount of capital contributed by the owners. In case of a company, it refers to the amount of funds raised by issuing shares. The main characteristic of the ownership capital is that its … Read more CAPITAL STRUCTURE      

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