DMPQ- What do you understand by the following term: a) Axis of Evil b) Golden crescent c) Golden triangle

Axis of evil: Axis of evil, expression used to describe the bellicose tendencies of Iran, North Korea, and Iraq in the early 21st century. The phrase was coined by Canadian-born U.S. presidential speechwriter David Frum and presidential aide Michael Gerson for use by U.S. President George W. Bush in his 2002 State of the Union address.

Golden crescent: The Golden Crescent is a mountainous area of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan where opium has been grown for hundreds of years. This area has been a main source of supply of heroin to the


Golden triangle: The notorious Golden Triangle represents the region coinciding with the rural mountains

of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand. It is Southeast Asia’s main opium-producing region and one of the oldest narcotics supply routes to Europe and North America. With a 1643km long border with Myanmar, India has been at risk for the longest time, even before the emergence ofGolden Crescent.
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