Low productivity: Between the 1950s and the 1960s, the LokSabha used to meet for an average of 120 days in a year whereas Productivity of the 15th LokSabha has been the worst in the last fifty years
Frequent disruptions: During the 15th LokSabha, frequent disruptions of Parliamentary proceedings have resulted in the LokSabha working for 61% and RajyaSabha for 66% of its scheduled time.
Poor women representation: The LokSabha and the RajyaSabha have not seen women MPs cross the 12% mark. Women’s Reservation Bill (108th amendment) reserving 33% of all seats in Parliament and State legislatures for women must be passed.
Passing Bills: The 15th LokSabha passed 179 Bills of the 328 to be considered and passed during its fi ve year tenure. This is the least number of Bills passed by a full five year term LokSabha
On debates and research: MPs have limited or no research staff, leaving them bereft of expert in house advice
Strengthening the committee system: The reports of standing committees are not deliberated inParliament and their recommendations are not binding on the government.