Demographic Scenario of the State and its impact on Rajasthan Economy.


The productive capacity of an economy is directly linked to the size of its working – age population relative to its total population,

it is essential to distinguish between the two components when exploring the impact of demographic change on economic performance.

Census 2011 data shows the overall percentage of children in 0-6 year’s age group has declined by 3.54% in Rajasthan. They constituted 18.85% of total population in 2001 compared to 15.31% in 2011. This indicates lowering fertility rates- a negative growth in this segment.

Thus, Rajasthan is transforming demographically, in which population growth slows down, life expectancy increases, per capita income increases and participation of women in labourforce increases, but it has its own issues like illiteracy, income disparity, status of women and lower level of health care facilities.

The productive capacity of an economy is directly linked to the size of its working – age population relative to its total population, it is essential to distinguish between the two components, when exploring the impact of demographic change on economic performance.The working age population has had a powerful positive impact on per capita net district domestic product


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