electro chemistry

Electrochemistry Electrochemistry is the study of production of electricity from energy released during spontaneous reactions and the use of electrical energy to bring about non-spontaneous chemical transformations. Electrochemistry is the study of chemical processes that cause electrons to move. This movement of electrons is called electricity, which can be generated by movements of electrons from … Read more electro chemistry

Chemical kinetics

Chemical kinetics Chemical kinetics is that branch of chemistry which deals with the study of the speeds or the rates of chemical reactions, the factors affecting the rates of the reactions and the mechanism by which the reactions proceed. It concerns itself with the measurement of rates of reactions proceeding under the given conditions of … Read more Chemical kinetics


Solutions Solutions are homogeneous (single-phase) mixtures of two or more components. They are extremely important in Chemistry because they allow intimate and varied encounters between molecules of di?erent kinds, a condition that is essential for rapid chemical reactions to occur. Molarity: Molarity is defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved per litre of … Read more solutions

solid state

Solid State solid state is a compact state of matter. The solids are distinguished from a liquid or gas in terms of their rigidity which makes them occupy definite volume and have a well defined shape. In solid state, the constituent particles are in close contact and have strong forces of attraction between them. Solids … Read more solid state

kinetic theory of gases

Kinetic theory of gases The kinetic theory describes a gas as a large number of submicroscopic particles (atoms or molecules), all of which are in constant rapid motion that has randomness arising from their many collisions with each other and with the walls of the container. According to kinetic theory of gases, the molecules of … Read more kinetic theory of gases


Thermodynamics Thermodynamics is a branch of physics which deals with the energy and work of a system.Thermodynamics is the study of macroscopic systems for which thermal effects are important. These systems are normally assumed to be at equilibrium, or at least, close to equilibrium. Systems at equilibrium are easier to study, both experimentally and theoretically, … Read more Thermodynamics


Chemical equilibrium Chemical equilibrium is a state in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal and the concentrations of the reactants and products remain constant. Equilibrium is a dynamic process i.e. the conversions of reactants to products and products to reactants are still going on, although there is no net change … Read more equilibriums

chemical bonding and molecular structure

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure The smallest particle of element is atom and the smallest particle in a compound is molecule. The force or the binding that keeps the atoms in the molecule combined during the formation of molecule is called chemical bonding. The concepts like that of Kossel-Lewis, VSEPR principle, valence bond theory, molecular … Read more chemical bonding and molecular structure

Atomic structure

Atomic Structure In 1897 J.J. Thomson discovered electron as a constituent of atom. He determined that an electron had a negative charge and had very little mass as compared to that of the atom. Since an atom was found to be electrically neutral it was inferred that some source of positive charge must be present … Read more Atomic structure

contributions of Indian scientists in the development of science

Contributions of Indian scientists in the development of science: Ancient ,Medieval and Modern Science and Mathematics were highly developed during the ancient period in India. Ancient Indians contributed immensely to the knowledge in Mathematics as well as various branches of Science. Medieval period marks the coming of Muslims in India. By this time, the traditional … Read more contributions of Indian scientists in the development of science

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