Rajasthan : Fairs of Rajasthan for RAS (RTS) Prelims Examination

Banganga Fair:-It is said that the stream of Banganga was formed when Arjun, one of the Pandavas, shot an arrow to quench the thirst of dying Bhishma Pitamah, who was a brave warrior and had been badly wounded in the battle of Mahabharata. Chandrabagha Fair:-Thousands of devotees gather here at the time of fair to … Read more Rajasthan : Fairs of Rajasthan for RAS (RTS) Prelims Examination

Rajasthan : Language and Dialect for RAS(RTS) Prelims

Rajasthani Languages Evolution of rajasthani languages from Shaurseni Prakrit Saureni Prakrit is then developed into:- Gurjar in western region Shaurseni in eastern region (Apram bhasha)   Gurjar- Maru Gurjar or old Rajasthani its common language of Rajasthan and Gujrat 1st Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube work was Bhrateshwar Bahubali Ghor by Vajrasensuri in … Read more Rajasthan : Language and Dialect for RAS(RTS) Prelims

Rajasthan : Folk Music of Rajasthan for RAS (RTS) Prelims Examination

Rajasthan has a diverse collection of musician castes, including langas, sapera, bhopa, jogi and Manganiar. There are two traditional classes of musicians: the Langas, who stuck mostly exclusively to Muslim audiences and styles, and the Manganiars, who had a more liberal approach. Manganiar are professional hereditary caste musicians. They mostly live in Jaisalmer and Barmer … Read more Rajasthan : Folk Music of Rajasthan for RAS (RTS) Prelims Examination

Rajasthan : Tribal Communities of Rajasthan for RAS (RTS) Prelims Examination

Tribes of Rajasthan constitute 12% of the total population. The main tribal communities of Rajasthan are Bhil tribe and Meena tribe. The major concentration of these tribes of Rajasthan is found mainly in the foothill of Vindhya, Aravalli mountain ranges. Each and every tribes of Rajasthan have contributed with their unique customs and rituals, thereby … Read more Rajasthan : Tribal Communities of Rajasthan for RAS (RTS) Prelims Examination

Rajasthan : religious systems and their Seats for RAS (RTS) Prelims examination

Rajasthan is blessed with multi-religious society and all the religions found in the Subscribe on YouTube country are practiced in Rajasthan in Harmony to each other. Vedic Religion has been practiced in the state since ancient times and worship of sun has been center of religious practice for several communities. Religious movements in Hinduism:- Ancient … Read more Rajasthan : religious systems and their Seats for RAS (RTS) Prelims examination

Rajasthan : Famous Saints for RAS(RTS) Prelims Examination

Saints of Rajasthan Saints of Rajasthan can be Characterized as Bhakti saints and Warior saints. Famous Bhakti Saints of Rajasthan are:- Dadu Dayal Mira Bai Lal Subscribe on YouTube Das Charan Das Mavaji Note: we will try to explain them in detail shortly Warrior Saints of Rajasthan took the responsibility to protect the Dharma from the … Read more Rajasthan : Famous Saints for RAS(RTS) Prelims Examination

Rajasthan : Costumes and jewellery for RAS(RTS) Prelims Examination

Costumes of Rajasthan can basically be classified as Paridhan,which is a lower garment and achhadan which is Subscribe on YouTube Join Our Telegram Channel an upper garment.Pag as an headgear is a symbol of noble and still practiced as an integral part of rajasthani culture. Various Traditional Dresses are:- Potia Dhoti Bandha Angrakhi Bugatari Pachewara … Read more Rajasthan : Costumes and jewellery for RAS(RTS) Prelims Examination

Rajasthan : Main centers for Handicraft for RAS(RTS) Prelims examination

THEWA ART The art of setting gold on glass is known as Thewa Art. Thewa is a rare and distinct skill of Rajasthani Rajsonia of Pratapgarh. Necklace sets,pillboxes,photoframes,pendent,earings are main products.   SANDAL WOOD CARVING Based on ivory crafts shifted to sandalwood items. Beautiful carved work and wonderful finishing makesd this craft worldwide popular. Gods,Ambabadi,Elephant,Chess … Read more Rajasthan : Main centers for Handicraft for RAS(RTS) Prelims examination

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