DMPQ-Write down the difference between Monetary policy and Fiscal Policy.

Monetary policy Subscribe on YouTube Join Our Telegram Channel involves changing the interest rate and influencing the money supply. Fiscal policy involves the government changing tax rates and levels of government spending to influence aggregate demand in the economy. They are both used to pursue policies of higher economic growth or controlling inflation.

DMPQ- Enumerate the National Initiative to combat climate change with brief explanation about each objective

The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) encompasses a range of measures. It focuses on eight missions, which are as follows[2]: National Solar Mission: The NAPCC aims to promote the development and use of solar energy for power generation and other uses, Join Our Telegram Channel with the ultimate objective of making solar competitive … Read more DMPQ- Enumerate the National Initiative to combat climate change with brief explanation about each objective

DMPQ- What do you understand by the term quantam computing?

Quantum computing is paving the way for the development of fifth generation of computers.  It scores over Join Our Telegram Channel existing computing methods by performing more efficient algorithms than   traditional computing. Quantum computing relies on quantum physics by taking advantage of certain quantum physics properties of atoms or nuclei that allow them to work … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the term quantam computing?

02.10.19 West Bengal (WBPSC) Daily Current Affairs

    INTERNATIONAL ●      WEFs 33rd India Economic Join Our Telegram Channel Summit to be held The World Economic Forum’s 33rd India Economic Summit is to be held from 3-4 October in New Delhi, India. The theme of the WEF’s 33rd India Economic Summit is Innovating for India: Strengthening South Asia, Impacting the World. Bangladesh’s PM, Singapore’s Deputy PM … Read more 02.10.19 West Bengal (WBPSC) Daily Current Affairs

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