Polity of Rajasthan Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

1999 1- Give your opinion on the organisation and functioning of ‘Panchayat Samitis ’ in Rajasthan. 6 2- Aganbari Programme. 4 1997 3- Compare the New Panchayati Raj Act in Rajasthan with the old, highlight major changes in the new Act. 6 1996 4- New Panchayat Raj Act in Rajasthan. 3 5- Apna Gaun Apna … Read more Polity of Rajasthan Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

Polity and Administration Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

2010 1- Shadow Cabinet. 2 2008 2- National Disaster Management Authority(NDMA). 2 3- 73rd and 74th Constitutional Ammendments. 4 4- Dr. Ambedkar’s  role in making of the constitution of India. 6 5- Women’s  reservation will be beneficial for women empowerment. Answer logically. 6 6- Election of 15th Loksabha  has focused on importance of national parties. … Read more Polity and Administration Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

International Relations Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

2010 1- Discuss the significance of CANCUN Submit concluded on 10th Dec. 2010. What was India’s stand in the submit? 4 2-Discuss the pro’s and con’s of Civil Nuclear Liability Act 2010. 4 3- Discuss the significance of the visits of Premiers/Presidents of following countries to India during November and December 2010 USA, France, China … Read more International Relations Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

Rajasthan History and Culture Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

2010 1- Describe the Bhakti Saints and folk Gods of medivial Rajasthan. 6 2- Describe the role of Praja Mandals in the socio-economic upliftment of people. 6 3-Throw light on the treaties signed between 1803 and 1823 between East India Company and different Rajputana Kingdoms. 6 4- Shakti Pooja In Rajasthan. 4 4(a)- Womwn’s political … Read more Rajasthan History and Culture Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

History and Culture Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

2010 1- What are the main reasons of the emergence of nationalism during Indian Freedom Movement? 4 2- Evaluate the changes in Indian Freedom Movement and Political perspective before and after arrival of Gandhijee. 6 2008 3- Two nation theory. 4 4- Causes of partition of Bengal. 4 5- Crips Mission. 4 2007 6- What … Read more History and Culture Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

Rajasthan Geography Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

  1- Deliniate natural regions of Rajasthan and describe any one of them.  6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-2010 2- Describe the role of RICCO in the industrial developement of Rajasthan. 6 marks-2010 3- Describe the main source of power generation in Rajasthan. 6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-2010 4- Combating drought in Rajasthan. 4 marks-2010 5- Water Policy 2010 of … Read more Rajasthan Geography Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

Rajasthan Economy Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

2010 1-  Throw some light on the problems experienced in the implementation of MNREGA. 6 2- Sustainable Development. 4 3- Bank Rate. 2 2008 4- Describe the importance of 11th Five year plan in economic development of Rajasthan. 6 4(b)- Indicator of Economic Development. 4 5- Micro Finance. 2 6- Green Accounting. 2 2003 7- … Read more Rajasthan Economy Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

Science and Technology- Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

2010 1- Unified Extensible Filmware Interface(UEFI). 2 2- Generic Medicine. 2 3- K-4 Missiles. 2 4- Subrahmanayam Chandrashekar. 2 2008 5- Biological Clock. 2 6- Eugenics. 2 7- Isotopes. 2 8- Transgenic crops. 2 9- GENE. 2 10- Eutrofication. 4 11- What is Environment Impact Assesment? Answer in Detail. 6 12- Tell about by products … Read more Science and Technology- Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

Economy Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise

2010 1-Green Accounting. 2 2-Millennium Development Goals. 2 3- BRIC Nations. 2 4- Prashant Chandra Mahalnobis. 2 5- What is Global Business Competitive Index? 4 6- What is difference between Cash Reserve Ratio and Statuary Liquidity Ratio? How are they usefull in control of inflation? 4 7-Explain the plastic money. 4 8- What are the … Read more Economy Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise