DMPQ: FDI is good for a Country like India. But FDI is also not immune from criticism. Discuss the ill effect of FDI.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a company or individual in one country in business interests in another country, in the form of either establishing business operations or acquiring business assets in the other country, such as ownership or controlling interest in a foreign company.   Concerns with FDI:   FDI has … Read more DMPQ: FDI is good for a Country like India. But FDI is also not immune from criticism. Discuss the ill effect of FDI.

DMPQ: What is FRBM act? Why the objectives of FRBM were not achieved.

FRBM is fiscal responsibility and budget management act is an act of parliament of India to institutionalise financial discipline, reduce India’s fiscal deficit , improve macroeconomic management and the overall management of the public funds by moving towards a balanced budget. The main purpose of the budget was to eliminate the revenue deficit and to … Read more DMPQ: What is FRBM act? Why the objectives of FRBM were not achieved.

DMPQ: What is the difference between Tax evasion and Tax avoidance? What are the methods of Tax evasion?

  Tax avoidance Tax evasion Legal way of saving taxes. Illegal in a financial system Recording of income Not recording of income. Help in saving, at the same time money can be channelized for economic growth Help Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube in saving, but since money is not accounted. Money cannot be … Read more DMPQ: What is the difference between Tax evasion and Tax avoidance? What are the methods of Tax evasion?

DMPQ: What is Disinvestment? What are its advantages and disadvantages.

Disinvestment is the practice of selling of shares by an organisation ( generally used for government) to the private sector. Disinvestment is de-nationalization of less than 100 per cent ownership transfer from the state to the private sector. The objective of disinvestment is to mobilise the resources, To use the resources for productive purposes like … Read more DMPQ: What is Disinvestment? What are its advantages and disadvantages.

DMPQ: What is globalisation? Examine its impact on the pattern of employment.

Globalisation means integration of economies and societies through cross country flows of information ,ideas ,technologies , goods, services, capital finance and people. The current wave of globalisation, which started after 1991had profound effects on the labour market and the employment situation of workers all over the world. The changes in pattern of employment and labour … Read more DMPQ: What is globalisation? Examine its impact on the pattern of employment.

DMPQ: Development is a myth without rendering women equality. Discuss in the context with women participation in labor force.

There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. Development is incomplete without rendering gender equality. It is a myth when 50% of the biological stream is lagging behind due to unavailability of equality of opportunity. According to the economic survey 2017-18, there are 24% women workforce as compared to men. … Read more DMPQ: Development is a myth without rendering women equality. Discuss in the context with women participation in labor force.

DMPQ: Air India is severely under stressed but aviation sector is not. Identify the potential and challenges?

Aviation sector is one of the promising sector in India. This sector faced a growth rate of 20%  per annum in passenger traffic. As per IATA, India will become the 3rd largest aviation market in the world interms of passenger by 2026. Above data clearly states that aviation sector is not under stressed. The opportunities … Read more DMPQ: Air India is severely under stressed but aviation sector is not. Identify the potential and challenges?

DMPQ: What is PPP ? Certain issues are faced by PPP. Examine that. 

PPP is public private partnership where a private entity enters into a contract with a government entity to provide public asset or service in which the private party provides its managerial expertise and operational efficiency.   Remuneration in this is linked to performance. PPP model was envisioned for infrastructure sector but now it is present in … Read more DMPQ: What is PPP ? Certain issues are faced by PPP. Examine that. 

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