Social Research And Techniques

 Social Research and Techniques -Objective of Social Research, Use of scientific method to study of Social Phenomena, tools and techniques of data collection- Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule Man by nature is inquisitive, and humans have an extraordinary capacity to exercise rational judgment and probe the realities of the world around us. Inherent in … Read more Social Research And Techniques

Occupational Diversification And Social Structure

      Occupational diversification and social structure Indian society is primarily a rural society though urbanisation is growing. The majority of India’s people live in rural areas (67 per cent, according to the 2001 Census). They make their living from agriculture or related occupations. This means that agricultural land is the most important productive … Read more Occupational Diversification And Social Structure

Fundamentalism And Terrorism

 Citizens worldwide are becoming all too familiar with the accelerated frequency of terrorist attacks in the 21st century, particularly with those involving a religious underpinning. Why, though, have religiously-affiliated acts of terrorism become such a common occurrence? By examining how religious fundamentalism has accelerated and intensified terrorism within the modern world, scholars can focus … Read more Fundamentalism And Terrorism


 Multiculturalism Multiculturalism, the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgement of their differences within a dominant political culture.  That acknowledgement can take the forms of recognition of contributions to the cultural life of the political community as a whole, a demand for special protection under the … Read more Multiculturalism

Social Processes

 Social Processes – Social Interaction, Co-operation, Struggle, Competition Social processes are the ways in which individuals and groups interact, adjust and readjust and establish relationships and pattern of behaviour which are again modified through social interactions. The concept of social process refers to some of the general and recurrent forms that social interaction … Read more Social Processes

Salient Features Of Indian Society And Unity In Diversity

 Salient features of Indian Society and Unity in Diversity Features of Indian Society India is a vast country and has a long history. Its society has evolved through the ages and has also been affected by foreign influences giving it extreme diversity and made unity amidst diversity a characteristic of the Indian society. … Read more Salient Features Of Indian Society And Unity In Diversity

Social Determinants And Consequence Of Economical Development

 Social determinants and consequence of economical development Social determinants of economic development and impact of economic consequences remain subject of discussion among the sociologists. In the beginning development was defined solely in terms of economic perspectives. It is looked at as a process whereby there is a steady increase in the level of … Read more Social Determinants And Consequence Of Economical Development

Social Policy And Social Development

 Social policy and social development Social policy Social policies may be thought of as clusters of rules or as institutionalized guiding principles maintaining a social order. These rules and principles evolved throughout the history of human groups. They reflect choices and decisions made by successive generations striving to satisfy basic biological and emerging … Read more Social Policy And Social Development

Effect Of Aasan And Pranayam On Human Health

 Effect of aasan and pranayam on human health The impact of asanas on human body system is expansive and eternal. The muscles, bones, nervous system, respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems of the human body are greatly benefited from regular practice of asanas. All the body systems are coordinated with each other. The body … Read more Effect Of Aasan And Pranayam On Human Health

Social Control And Social Change

 Social Control and Social Change – Sources and agencies of Social Control, Processes and factors of Social Change Society is a collectivity of groups and individuals. It exists for the welfare and advancement of the whole. The mutuality, on which it depends, is possible to sustain by adjustment of varied and contradictory interests. … Read more Social Control And Social Change