DMPQ- What were the major reasons for the downfall of buddhism in Indian Sub-continent?

The major reasons for the downfall of buddhism in Indian subcontinent are as follows: Corruptions in Buddhist Sanghas: In course of time, the Buddhist ‘Sangha’ became corrupt. The monks and followers came to be drawn towards luxury and enjoyment. Receiving and saving valuable gifts like gold and silver made them greedy and materialistic Reform in … Read more DMPQ- What were the major reasons for the downfall of buddhism in Indian Sub-continent?

DMPQ: Outline the difference between Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park.

Difference Between Wildlife Sanctuary And National Park Wildlife sanctuary National Park Human activities are allowed No human activities are allowed Objective is to protect particular flora or fauna Can include flora, fauna or even any object of historical significance. Boundaries are not fixed Boundaries are fixed and are defined. Formed by the executive orders of … Read more DMPQ: Outline the difference between Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park.

DMPQ: What is continental shelf? Mention the significance of Continent shelf( Geography)

The continental shelf is the extended margin of each continent occupied byrelatively shallow seas and gulfs. It is the shallowest part of the ocean showing anaverage gradient of 1° or even less.The width of the continental shelves vary from one ocean to another. The average widthof continental shelves is about 80 km. Significance of Continental … Read more DMPQ: What is continental shelf? Mention the significance of Continent shelf( Geography)


National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) is focused on holistic development of heritage cities.  The main objective of HRIDAY is to preserve character of the soul of heritage city and facilitate inclusive heritage linked urban development in partnership with State Government. The duration of HRIDAY schemes would be Four Years starting from December … Read more DMPQ- HRIDAY Scheme.

DMPQ: What were the evidences put forward by Wegner in support of Continental drift theory?

“Jig saw” fit- Wegener was struck by the geographical similarity between the opposite coasts ofthe Atlantic Ocean. The outlines of the two coasts appears to be the detached portion of theother ie. The east coast of north and South America can be exactly fit into the left coast ofAfrica and Europe. Geological structure- there is … Read more DMPQ: What were the evidences put forward by Wegner in support of Continental drift theory?