DMPQ-What are the continental shelf? What are their geographical significance?

The continental shelf is the extended margin of each continent occupied by relatively shallow seas and gulfs. It is the shallowest part of the ocean showing an average gradient of 1° or even less.  The shelf typically ends at a very steep slope, called the shelf break. Geographical significance: The continental shelves are covered with … Read more DMPQ-What are the continental shelf? What are their geographical significance?

DMPQ:Despite having large biodiversity in equatorial region, lumbering and livestock farming is still difficult. Comment.

The biodiversity available at equator is highly unmatchable and it one of the riches area in terms of quanta and different types of flora and fauna. But this potential is difficult to translate into commercial extraction as Lack of pure strands as compared to taiga region. Every inch is filled with different kinds of tree. … Read more DMPQ:Despite having large biodiversity in equatorial region, lumbering and livestock farming is still difficult. Comment.

DMPQ:Spatial distribution of temperature on earth is not uniform. Discuss the factors associated with the distribution.

The factors are as follows:   Latitude: The insolation largely depends on the latitude. The intensity of insolation decreases from equator to poles. In addition to this the day length and seasons also depends upon the latitude. Hence lower latitude records high temperature as compared to higher latitudes.   Altitude: As we know that temperature … Read more DMPQ:Spatial distribution of temperature on earth is not uniform. Discuss the factors associated with the distribution.

DMPQ- What exactly is a black hole?

According to Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, black holes are uninhabitable chasms of spacetime that end in a ‘singularity,’ or a mass of infinite density. Black holes, with gravitational fields so powerful that not even light could escape them, were inferred by quantum physics about a century ago. It’s a place so bleak that even the laws of physics … Read more DMPQ- What exactly is a black hole?

DMPQ-Critically analyse the influence of land tenancy on Indian Agriculture.

Land tenure includes all forms of tenancy and also ownership in any form. Land tenancy and land tenure affect the agricultural operations and cropping patterns in many ways. The farmers and cultivators plan the agricultural activities and farm (fields) management keeping in mind their rights and possession duration on the land. In different communities of … Read more DMPQ-Critically analyse the influence of land tenancy on Indian Agriculture.

DMPQ-Explain the following terms: a) Mono Cropping b) Multiple cropping c) Inter Cropping

  Mono Cropping: Mono-cropping or monoculture refers to growing of only one crop on a piece of land year after year. It may be due to climatological and socio-economic conditions or due to specialisation of a farmer in growing a particular crop, e.g., under rained conditions, groundnut or cotton or sorghum are grown year after … Read more DMPQ-Explain the following terms: a) Mono Cropping b) Multiple cropping c) Inter Cropping