DMPQ-Write a short note on Poorna Sawaraj resolution.

Purna Swaraj resolution was passed by the Indian National Congress in the Lahore session of 1929. The session was presided by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. Purna Swaraj meant c omplete freedom from British rule. People were subsequently asked to celebrate 26th of January as ‘Independence Day’. Congress laeders and volunteers hoisted flags publicly across the country. Congress had already presented the … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on Poorna Sawaraj resolution.

DMPQ-What were the causes and consequences of Third battle of Panipat?

What were the causes and consequences of Third battle of Panipat? Ans:       The question of sovereignty over Punjab and its capture and loss alternatively and Subscribe on YouTube repeatedly by the Marathas and Abdali during the period 1752-60 became the immediate cause of the battle of Panipat. Sadashiv Rao Bhau, the commander of the Marathas, … Read more DMPQ-What were the causes and consequences of Third battle of Panipat?

DMPQ-Write the features of Vijaynagar architecture.

Features are as follows: Synthesis of Dravidian architecture with Islamic style. Carved pillars with horse as the common motif. Kalyan mandapas or open pavilions and long multi pillared halls. Exceptionally large gopurams. Fortification of temples with more specious enclosure. Chariots streets Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube paved with stone slabs and lined with … Read more DMPQ-Write the features of Vijaynagar architecture.

DMPQ- Elucidate the role of Justice Party in Backward Class Movements of India.

In reaction to the incipient nationalist movement, represented by the nineteenth century Hindu revivalism, which led to improving the position of the Brahmin caste, the non- Brahmins of Madras Presidency sought to ally with the colonial regime, hoping that foreign rule would protect their position and Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube somewhat neutralize … Read more DMPQ- Elucidate the role of Justice Party in Backward Class Movements of India.

DMPQ- What led to the Unification of Sikh confederate states under Maharaja Ranjit Singh

The foundations of the Sikh Empire, during the Sikh Confederacy, could be defined as early as 1707, starting from the death of Aurangzeb and the downfall of the Mughal Empire. The fall of the Mughal Empire provided opportunities for the Sikh army, known as the Dal Khalsa, to lead expeditions against the Mughals and Afghans. … Read more DMPQ- What led to the Unification of Sikh confederate states under Maharaja Ranjit Singh

DMPQ- Mention the origin, salient features and material used in Gandhara School of Art.

  Greco-Buddhist art is the artistic manifestation of Greco-Buddhism, a cultural syncretism between the Classical Greek culture and Buddhism, which developed over a period of close to thousand years in Central Asia, between the conquests of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC, and the Islamic Subscribe on YouTube conquests of the 7th century … Read more DMPQ- Mention the origin, salient features and material used in Gandhara School of Art.

DMPQ- Satya Shodhak Samaj played a significant role in the upliftment of depressed classes of India

Jyotirao Govindrao Phule struggled for the upliftment of lower castes through his Satya Shodhak Samaj. Belonging to the Mali caste, which supplies flowers to the Peshwa’s family, he had suffered humiliation, which made him to turn against caste inequalities. He strongly criticized the Brahmanical domination in the name of religion. He was also critic of … Read more DMPQ- Satya Shodhak Samaj played a significant role in the upliftment of depressed classes of India

DMPQ- Write a short note on self respect movement.

Self-Respect Movement was a dynamic social movement aimed at destroying the contemporary Hindu social order in its totality and creating a new, rational society without caste, religion and god. Self-Respect Movement was started by E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker in Tamil Nadu in 1925. It was an egalitarian movement that propagated the ideologies of breaking down of the Brahminical hegemony, equal rights for the … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on self respect movement.

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