DMPQ- Comment on the ordinance making power of president of India.

Article 123 of the Constitution empowers the President to promulgate ordinances during the recess of Parliament. These ordinances have the same force and effect as an act of Parliament, but are in the nature of temporary laws. The ordinance-making power is the most important legislative power of the President. It has been vested in him … Read more DMPQ- Comment on the ordinance making power of president of India.

DMPQ- What important does bureaucracy plays in Indian democracy? Analyse the bottlenecks bureaucracy is facing in this mission.

Bureaucracy plays a key role in running the Public Administration e by performing the following functions: It is the responsibility of the bureaucracy to carry out and implement the policies of the government. Subscribe on YouTube Good policies and laws can really serve their objectives only when these are efficiently implemented by the civil servants. … Read more DMPQ- What important does bureaucracy plays in Indian democracy? Analyse the bottlenecks bureaucracy is facing in this mission.

DMPQ- Discuss the importance of Niti Aayog in developing plans and policies for continous growth and development of India.

. NITI Aayog has been entrusted with the role to co-ordinate ‘Transforming our world:  the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ (called as SDGs). Moving ahead from  the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), SDGs have been evolved through a long  inclusive process for achievement during 2016-2030. The SDGs cover 17 goals and 169 related targets resolved in … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the importance of Niti Aayog in developing plans and policies for continous growth and development of India.

DMPQ- . Describe the territorial extent of Centre and state legislative powers.

. The Constitution defines the territorial limits of the legislative powers vested in the Centre and the states in the following way: The Parliament can make laws for the whole or any part of the territory of India. The territory of India includes the states, the union territories, and any other area for the time … Read more DMPQ- . Describe the territorial extent of Centre and state legislative powers.

DMPQ- Throw light on the federal features enshrined in the constitution of India.

The federal features of the Constitution of India are explained below: Dual Political structure The Constitution establishes a dual polity consisting the Union Subscribe on YouTube at the Centre and the states at the periphery. Each is endowed with sovereign powers to be exercised in the field assigned to them respectively by the Constitution. Written … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on the federal features enshrined in the constitution of India.

DMPQ- Explain the concept of ‘Basic structure of Constitution’. What are important elements of basic structure of Constitution.

The question whether Fundamental Rights can be amended by the Parliament under Article 368 came for consideration of the Supreme Court within a year of the Constitution coming into force. In the Shankari Prasad case  (1951), the constitutional validity of the First Amendment Act (1951), which curtailed the right to property, was challenged. The Supreme … Read more DMPQ- Explain the concept of ‘Basic structure of Constitution’. What are important elements of basic structure of Constitution.

DMPQ- What is Judicial Accountability? How has Judicial Accountabilty been ensured in Indian Constitution?

 Accountability is the core principle of any democracy. In our democracy it is only the executive and the legislature which is held accountable and not the judiciary. Judges are also public officials and hence should be made accountable.  It is essential to ensure accountability of the judges to ensure public confidence in the … Read more DMPQ- What is Judicial Accountability? How has Judicial Accountabilty been ensured in Indian Constitution?

DMPQ- Lay down the procedures and practices for Controlling riots in India. Give suggestive measures.

The history of Independent India is replete with violent protests, agitations and riots. At the forefront of dealing with these incidents are the police, who are the first responders, and security forces. Time and again, an important question comes to the forefront. Under Article 246 of the constitution, matters pertaining to ‘public order’ and Join … Read more DMPQ- Lay down the procedures and practices for Controlling riots in India. Give suggestive measures.

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