Social Determinants And Consequence Of Economical Development

 Social determinants and consequence of economical development Social determinants of economic development and impact of economic consequences remain subject of discussion among the sociologists. In the beginning development was defined solely in terms of economic perspectives. It is looked at as a process whereby there is a steady increase in the level of … Read more Social Determinants And Consequence Of Economical Development


 Society, Community, Association, Institution, Social group, Folkways and Mores Society society is an organization of people whose associations are with one another. MacIver describes society as a web of relationships. There are a number of definitions of society. Most of them point to the following characteristics of society. The first condition for calling … Read more Society

Occupational Diversification And Social Structure

 Occupational diversification and social structure Indian society is primarily a rural society though urbanisation is growing. The majority of India’s people live in rural areas (67 per cent, according to the 2001 Census). They make their living from agriculture or related occupations. This means that agricultural land is the most important productive resource … Read more Occupational Diversification And Social Structure

Individual And Society

 Individual and Society – Social interactions, Status and role, Culture and Personality, Socialization Man is a social animal. He lives in social groups in communities and in society. Human life and society almost go together. Man cannot live without society. Man is biologically and psychologically equipped to live in groups, in society. Society … Read more Individual And Society

Social Change And Modernization

 Social Change and modernization:Problems of role conflict Role conflict occurs when there are incompatible demands placed upon a person such that compliance with both would be difficult. Persons experience role conflict when they find themselves pulled in various directions as they try to respond to the many statuses they hold. Role conflict can … Read more Social Change And Modernization


 Sociology- Meaning, Scope and nature, Importance of its study. Relation with other Social Sciences Sociology is a discipline in social sciences concerned with the human society and human social activities. It is one of the youngest social sciences. Auguste Comte, a French social thinker, is traditionally known as the ‘Father of Sociology’ as … Read more Sociology