Problems Of Role Conflict

 Problems of role conflict – intergenerational gap Some changes occur directly through social conflict, with concerted efforts by members of different communities to effect change . The present chapter is more concerned with gradual changes that often happen without anyone putting in an effort; or when, as sometimes happens, people really want to … Read more Problems Of Role Conflict

Ethical Concept

 Ethical concept-Rit and Rin, concept of Duties Rita Rita, (“truth” or “order”), in Indian religion and philosophy, the cosmic order mentioned in the Vedas, the ancient sacred scriptures of India. As Hinduism developed from the ancient Vedic religion, the concept of rita led to the doctrines of dharma (duty) and karma (accumulated effects … Read more Ethical Concept

Role Of Trade Unions

 Role of trade unions Although trade unions look after the interests of their members, they also recognise the advantages of working in partnership with employers. This is because a successful, profitable business is good for workers and therefore good for the union and its members. f you recognise a trade union in your … Read more Role Of Trade Unions

Social Empowerment

 Social empowerment, Communalism, Regionalism   Social empowerment In societal development, conception of empowerment has vital role. This phrase is linked with gender equality. Modernization of global development will need a reappraisal of the concept and its application to many facets of human life. The notion of empowerment entails numerous things to many people. … Read more Social Empowerment

Social Change And Modernisation

 Social Change and Modernisation In the wake of modernization and globalization, the processes of social mobility, the nature of demographic changes and increase in urbanization and industrialization have brought significant changes in Indian society. We have substantial material on changes in rural and urban communities. There have come vast changes in the fields … Read more Social Change And Modernisation

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