27-28.10.18 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN Digitalisation of Textbooks in Rajasthan The introduction of ‘energised’ (QR code imposed) Science and Mathematics textbooks for students of Classes IX and X from this academic year (2018-19) will provide additional content for topics in the syllabus which are difficult to comprehend for an average student. QR codes providing contextualised interactive audio-visual content and … Read more 27-28.10.18 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

27-28.10.18 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN Digitalisation of Textbooks in Rajasthan The introduction of ‘energised’ (QR code imposed) Science and Mathematics textbooks for students of Classes IX and X from this academic year (2018-19) will provide additional content for topics in the syllabus which are difficult to comprehend for an average student. QR codes providing contextualised interactive audio-visual content and … Read more 27-28.10.18 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

25.10.18 West Bengal(WBPSC) Current Affairs

INTERNATIONAL     ·        Indian banks profitability weaker than BRICS peers, to improve next fiscal: Moodys   Moody’s Investors Servicein its report stated that the profitability of Indian banks is “distinctively weak” compared to the other BRICS nations. In India, the system-wide asset quality is weak due to stressed public sector banks, which dominate the sector. … Read more 25.10.18 West Bengal(WBPSC) Current Affairs

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