DMPQ: State the initiative taken by government of Rajasthan in the filed of IT sector to      streamline the governance.

Information and technology has been a major partner in the growth story of the country. Rajasthan in the recent past has taken major strides in the field of Information and technology sector. Som e

of the key initiative taken by Raj Govt are:


  • Rajasthan sampark portal: centralized grievance redressal platform. A new toll free number 181 for the Cm helpline has been activated.


  • Rajasthan samparkcentres: video conferencing equipment and facility have been established under Atal sevakendras


  • Geographical Information System (GIS): A common GIS platform has been set up forEducation, Medical & Health Department, ICDS, PHED, Ayush, Cooperative, RVPNL,DISCOM, GWD, Police, RVCD, e-Mitra, Higher & Technical Education, Town Planning,PWD, TAD, Forest, Water Resources, etc.Development and implementation of Jaipur 3D City is under process. GIS interface for MinesDepartment is under development.


  • e-mitra kiosks: deposition of utility bills through mobile application


  • Digitally Signed Certificates: The facility to make available legally valid digitally signedcertificates has been launched.


  • State Portal: It is a single source of information/transactional governmental

services for citizens, government users,businesses and overseas people. It links up with all department web portals


  • Raj-Kaj: Under this project, facilities like leave sanction, APAR (Annual Performance Appraisal Report), inventory and meeting management have been implemented in 7 major departments of the State Government.
  • Raj NET: Under this project, integrated network solution for connectivity upto Gram Panchayats through Rajasthan State Wide Area Network (RajSWAN), Secretariat Local Area Network (SecLAN), Very Small ApertureTerminal (VSAT), Captive Optic Fiber Cable (OFC), RF and terrestrial connectivity. Under this project, room based video conference facility at District Collectorate and Block Level offices and software based VC at low bandwidth upto Gram Panchayats are being provided.
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