WBPSC Prelims Complete Test-25


WBPSC Prelims Complete Test-25

1 / 200

was the first person to isolate methane gas. He discovered that methane mixture with air could be exploded using an electric spark. A. Alessandro Volta B. William Thomson C. Luis Pasteur D. William Crookers

2 / 200

Who among the following has the authority to preside over the joint session of the Parliament ?

3 / 200

Find the missing number?

4 / 200

Which one of the following rivers is not a tributary of Ramganga ?

5 / 200

Which of the following organelles contain enzymes that have digestive action?

6 / 200

How many players are there in Water Polo team?

7 / 200

The government of West Bengal has set ambitious targets to increase the capacity of:

8 / 200

The UN Flag is made up of

9 / 200

A microscope used in pathological laboratories forms A. Magnified, virtual, erect image B. Diminished, real and erect image C. Magnified, virtual and inverted image D. Diminished, virtual and erect image

10 / 200

Match List-I (Person) with List List-II (Associated in Formation of) and select the correct answer. Lists-I List-II a. G. K. Gokhale 1. Servants of India Society b. M. M. Malaviya 2. Benaras Hindu University c. C. Rajagopalachari 3. Free India Society d. V. V. Savarkar 4. Swatantra Party

11 / 200

Madhusudan Maneha was opened in

12 / 200

Which one of the following is the most important item of non-plan expenditure of the Central Government during 2015-16 budget?

13 / 200

What is the number of players on each side in Baseball ?

14 / 200

The Indian National Congress was established during the viceroyalty of:

15 / 200

Ryder Cup is related with which sports ?

16 / 200

Wind and solar energy are examples of A. Non renewable B. Renewable C. Unsustainable D. Limited

17 / 200

The insulator of electricity is :

18 / 200

Which community has the lowest sex ratio in India as disclosed in the additional data pertaining to Census 2011 released recently?

19 / 200

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word. The landlord ____ just rented the apartment when I got there.

20 / 200

What was the symbol of Sambhavanatha Tirthankar?

21 / 200

Select the most appropriate form of verb to fill in the blank: She told me her name but I _____ it now. (not/remember)

22 / 200

The plants grown in equatorial regions include

23 / 200

Among the following the correct ascending order of the districts in Uttarakhand, in terms of area is :

24 / 200

Kate ate . . . . . . . . meat with . . . . . . . . vegetables for . . . . . . . . second course. A. no article, no article, the B. a, the, no article C. the, a, the D. no article, an, no article

25 / 200

The Asansol-Durgapur industrial belt is developed primarily due to the availability of:

26 / 200

Jhiroli in Almora district is famous for :

27 / 200

It takes much longer to cook food in the hills than in the plains, because A. in the hills the atmospheric pressure is lower than that in the plains and therefore water boils at a temperature lower than 100oC causing an increase in cooking time B. due to low atmospheric pressure on the hills, the water boils at a temperature higher than 100oC and therefore water takes longer to boil C. in the hills the atmospheric density is low and therefore a lot of heat is lost to the atmosphere D. in the hills the humidity is high and therefore a lot of heat is absorbed by the atmosphere leaving very little heat for cooking

28 / 200

In IPL 2009 the two players who did 'hat trick', were -

29 / 200

Which one of the following is the best source of generating electricity in India from the viewpoint of sustainable development ?

30 / 200

Which continent has maximum per capita land?

31 / 200

Soda water contains A. Carbonic acid B. Sulphuric acid C. Carbon dioxide D. Nitrous acid

32 / 200

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option:A: "I'll drink tea from this tin mug." B: "Where _____ you ______ it?"

33 / 200

The first recipient of Padma Bhushan Award in West Bengal was Jnan Chandra Ghosh for his contribution in the field of

34 / 200

The 'Kisan Credit Card' scheme aims to provide:

35 / 200

The Satnami sect in India was founded in: A. The year 1457 B. The year 1600 C. The year 1557 D. The year 1657

36 / 200

Which one of the following schedules of the Indian Cotitution lists the names of states and specifies their territories? A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth

37 / 200

When did the 'Right to information' (RTI) Act come into force in India?

38 / 200

A's son B is married with C whose sister D is married to E the brother of B. How D is related to A?

39 / 200

Which of the Articles of the Constitution of India empowers the President to appoint acting Chief Justice of a High Court?

40 / 200

The number of parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha) of Maharashtra is- A. 10 B. 26 C. 28 D. 48

41 / 200

The outermost layer of skin is

42 / 200

Which among the following is not a Municipal Corporation in West Bengal?

43 / 200

A child who stays away from school without any good reason

44 / 200

Which one of the following states has launched M.L.A. Adarsh Village Scheme taking the clue from Sansad Adarsh Village Scheme?

45 / 200

Which type of permanent tissue helps the aquatic plants to float?

46 / 200

India and Japan on January 12, 2012 agreed to enhance their cooperation in which of the following sector?

47 / 200

Who enunciated the laws of planetary motion? A. Nicolaus Copernicus B. Johannes Kepler C. Isaac Newton D. Galileo

48 / 200

Who had proposed for the first time the double helix model of DNA ?

49 / 200

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. My wife has got / a new job / a month ago.

50 / 200

Parts : Strap :: Wolf : ?

51 / 200

How many members are elected in Lok Sabha from Uttarakhand ?

52 / 200

Choose the word which is different from the rest.

53 / 200

Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statements : The best evidence of India's glorious past is the growing popularity of Ayurvedic medicines in the West. Conclusions : I. Ayurvedic medicines are not popular in India. II. Allopathic medicines are more popular in India.

54 / 200

With reference to the work of human kidney consider the following statements 1. After the waste is removed in the kidney the clean blood is sent back through renal artery. 2. From Bowman's capsule, the filtered liquid passes through tiny tubes where much of the glucose is reabsorbed and sent back to the blood in the renal vein. Which of these statements is/are correct?

55 / 200

Which plants have vascular tissues i.e .xylem and phloem vessel?

56 / 200

The 'Breakdown theory" of divorce is reflected by which section of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955:-

57 / 200

'Nishaka' in ancient India was known as

58 / 200

Which among the following place has State Government run fodder farms?

59 / 200

What is the distance of distinct vision (DDV) of a normal human eye?

60 / 200

“National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources is situated at

61 / 200

Who wrote the history of Aurangzeb's reign in total secrecy because of the emperor's opposition to it and what was the name of that historical work?

62 / 200

The sepoys who revolted in 1857 primarily belonged to which religion?

63 / 200

Electrical Energy is the energy of A. Protons B. Neutrons C. Electrons D. All the above

64 / 200

What is the main objective of Marxism? A. Dictatorship B. Stateless society C. To establish strong centre D. Protection of weaker sections

65 / 200

The following question, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words: Mathematics : Logic :: Science : ?

66 / 200

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. The eminent speaker's speech / was broadcasted over / all the major radio-stations.

67 / 200

Which one of the following is the highest volcanic mountain of the world?

68 / 200

The kingdom of Bishnupur was ruled by which dynasty?

69 / 200

He is not worth his salt if he fails at this juncture. A. quite worthless B. very proud of himself C. quite depressed D. very strange

70 / 200

In which year 'Bonded Labour Abolition Act* was passed in India ?

71 / 200

The narrow plains at the foothills of the Himalayas in West Bengal are known as:

72 / 200

The state bird of West Bengal is the:

73 / 200

Find the odd number / letters / word from the given alternative:

74 / 200


75 / 200

'Sat Paake Badha', one of the all time great Bengal film is directed by

76 / 200

Who among the following is not a dramatist?

77 / 200

Liberalism is a symbol of- A. Liberalization B. Nature and Behaviour C. Freedom of Social,Political and Economic aspects D. Religious conservationism

78 / 200

Water is a good solvent of ionic salts because: A. It has a high specific heat B. It has no colour C. It has a high dipole moment D. It has a high boiling point

79 / 200

Rourkela Steel Plant gets its supplies of iron ore from

80 / 200

In which year the incident of ‘Boston Tea Party’ took place ?

81 / 200

The three great Chinese pilgrims who visited India in search of knowledge, manuscripts and relics between the fifth and seventh centuries A. D. are: A. Meghasthanise, Huin-Tsang, and I-Tsing B. Fa-Hien, Huin-Tsang, and Meghasthanise C. Fa-Hien, Huin-Tsang, and I-Tsing D. Fa-Hien, Meghasthanise, and I-Tsing

82 / 200

3 March is celebrated as -

83 / 200

Harassed by repeated acts of injustice, he decided to put his foot down. A. resign B. not to yield C. withdraw D. accept the proposal unconditionally

84 / 200

Arc : Circle

85 / 200

Choose the word which is different from the rest.

86 / 200

Which of the following statements is correct about the President of India? A. Addresses first session of Parliament after each General Election B. Addresses first session of Parliament at the beginning of each year C. Addresses every session of Parliament D. Never addresses Parliament E. None of the above

87 / 200

The Ananda Puraskar is a prestigious award given for excellence in:

88 / 200

Three years back the average age of a family of 6 members was 19 years. A baby having being born, the average of the family remains the same. Then the age of the baby (in years) is

89 / 200

Which part of West Bengal is located in a seismically active zone?

90 / 200

Compared to the national average, the GII of West Bengal is:

91 / 200

'Christmas' is a major festival celebrated by which community in West Bengal?

92 / 200

The temperature inversion is

93 / 200

In which event Neeraj Chopra won India’s only Gold Medal in Tokyo Olympics ?

94 / 200

The first President of India who made 30-minute sortie in the sukhoi fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force is?

95 / 200

According to the provisional figures of Census 2011, what percentage of population is below the age of 35 years in India ?

96 / 200

Which of the following is a major tributary of the Ganga River in West Bengal?

97 / 200

Dhirubhai went to America . . . . . . earning money. A. with a view to B. for C. in order that D. in order to

98 / 200

Find the odd number / letters / word from the given alternative:

99 / 200

The 'Dhokra' craft involves casting metal using the:

100 / 200

India's first Artificial Intelligence based Digital Lok Adalat was launched in July 2022 in which State?

101 / 200

In which language were the Buddhist-texts 'Pitakas' composed?

102 / 200

Choose the word which is different from the rest.

103 / 200

The propagation of sound waves in a gas involves A. Adiabatic compression and rarefaction B. Isothermal compression and rarefaction C. Isochoric compression and rarefaction D. Isobaric compression and rarefaction

104 / 200

Select the correct statement (s) related to the Vallabhacharya: I. His doctrine came to be known as "Pushti Marga" for his successors laid stress on the physical side of Krishna's sports. II. He is the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness or ISKCON, commonly called the "Hare Krishnas"

105 / 200

Sri Krishna Kirtrana was written by

106 / 200

The Tebhaga movement in Bengal during the 1940s demanded:

107 / 200

The most reputed disciple of Shaikh Farid who had seen the reign of as many as seven sultans of Delhi was

108 / 200

Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by three arguments I, II and III . You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument. Statement : Should government established higher level Institutes of Technology (IIT's) be privatized? Arguments : I. Yes. Privatization will make these institutes financially healthy, competitive and quality conscious. II. Yes. Privatization is the key of the new era - can we survive without it? III. No. Standard of education of these institutes will fall.

109 / 200

The theory that supply creates its own demand and therefore full employment is natural situation is concerned with:

110 / 200

Bacteria are (were) considered more as plants than animals because of the presence of

111 / 200

The Dooars region in West Bengal is known for its:

112 / 200

A falling drop of rain water acquires the spherical shape due to A. Viscosity B. Surface Tension C. Atmospheric pressure D. Gravitational force

113 / 200

If you read the novel carefully, you will realise that her character is irreproachable.

114 / 200

Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) was set up during the Second Five Year Plan (FYP) as a public sector unit under Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL). It is located on the bank of which river?

115 / 200

The 'Mukhyamantri Shramik Kalyan Prakalpa' is a scheme for:

116 / 200

Which of the following is a lightest metal ?

117 / 200

The most abundantly found organic compound in the nature is

118 / 200

Which one country is not a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations?

119 / 200

Mobility of labour

120 / 200

How many members of Uttarakhand represent Rajya Sabha?

121 / 200

They complained . . . . . . . . your misbehaviour. A. about B. against C. to D. of

122 / 200

The West Bengal government's flagship program for promoting girls' education is:

123 / 200

Beldi Apatite Mine is located in which among the following places of West Bengal?

124 / 200

Who among the following actresses is the brand ambassador of ‘Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan’?

125 / 200

A Bio-Technology Park has been set up at

126 / 200

Shaurya Chakra made up of bronze is awarded for

127 / 200

The Number of Spokes in the CHAKRA in Indian National flag is: A. 20 B. 33 C. 24 D. 40

128 / 200

To which of the following sports, Agha Khan Cup is related?

129 / 200

The value of [mathop {lim }limits_{{rm{x}} to 0} frac{{1 - cos left( {{{rm{x}}^2}} right)}}{{2{x^4}}}] is A. 0 B. [frac{1}{2}] C. [frac{1}{4}] D. undefined

130 / 200

Choose the word which is different from the rest.

131 / 200

Spick and span A. Neat and clean B. Outspoken C. A ready-made thing D. Garrulous

132 / 200

The most important item of Indian exports, in terms of value, during recent years has been:

133 / 200

How many health districts are created by the West Bengal government?

134 / 200

Marsh gas is A. Nitrogen B. Ethane C. Methane D. Hydrogen

135 / 200

Kenduli Mela is famous for

136 / 200

The 'Sundarini' goat breed is found in which region of West Bengal?

137 / 200

The monetary currency of Greece is called (prior to Jan 1, 2002).

138 / 200

The constitution does not have the provision to impeach- A. Chief Justice of Supreme Court B. Chief Justice of Any High Court C. Governor D. President

139 / 200

An order passed by a Magistrate under section 446 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973, is appealable to:-

140 / 200

Which famous long distance swimmer from West Bengal was the first to cross the English Channel in 1958?

141 / 200

Water is a good solvent of ionic salts because

142 / 200

Find out that word, the spelling of which is wrong.

143 / 200

Who won the first ICC T-20 world cup?

144 / 200

What is an opportunity cost? Choose the most appropriate option.

145 / 200

Under the Criminal Procedure Code, which of the followings is not correctly matched ?

146 / 200

Which of the following motion is related to Union Budget- A. Adjournment B. Censure C. Cut motion D. None of these

147 / 200

West Bengal is the ......... most populous state of India.

148 / 200

Deficit financing means that the government borrows money from the A. RBI B. local bodies C. big businessmen D. IMF

149 / 200

Who among the following is the 29th Grand Master in India ?

150 / 200

Knot is a measure of A. The speed of ship B. The curvature of spherical objects C. Solar radiation D. Intensity of earthquake shock

151 / 200

Choose the word which is different from the rest.

152 / 200

Gayatri Mantra is related to _____.

153 / 200

World Environment Day' is observed on

154 / 200

Who won the mein's single title in U.S. Open Tennis Championship, 1991 ?

155 / 200

The southernmost point of India is –

156 / 200

When pressure is increased the melting point of ice A. Increases B. Does not change C. Decreases D. Depends on the impurities in the ice

157 / 200

The teacher said, "Boys, what do you understand by this phrase ?"

158 / 200

'The Swadesh Vahini' was edited by

159 / 200

Microphone is a device which transforms the A. Sound signal into current signal B. Current signal into sound signal C. Sound signal into light signal D. Light signal into sound signal

160 / 200

13 February is celebrated as -

161 / 200

Who among the following crossed the English channel in 1959?

162 / 200

If an ordinary glass tube and a glass capillary tube are both dipped in a beaker of water, water rises in A. Both B. Only the glass tube C. Only the capillary tube D. Neither

163 / 200

Which of the following categories of citizens of the prescribed age may be registered as a voter? A. Bankrupt B. Convicted for certain crimes or corruption C. Non-resident citizens D. Mentally unsound

164 / 200

Which city was set to host an International Puppet Festival from October 26, 2017 ?

165 / 200

When the fats are reacted with alkali, they form 'soaps'. The type of reaction taking place in the formation of soaps is called A. emulsification B. saponification C. halogenation D. oxidation

166 / 200

Wrestling, Karate, Boxing

167 / 200

Toxin is a poisonous substance produce by

168 / 200

The propagation of radio signals is greatly influence by

169 / 200

20 March is observed as -

170 / 200

The first five-year plan of West Bengal was launched in which year?

171 / 200

Prince Charles and Princess Diana of Britain announce their separation in

172 / 200

Girish Manch was started in

173 / 200

Who was the Finance Minister of India as of 31 August 2018?

174 / 200

Lakshadweep's High Court is located in which state of India? A. Tamil Nadu B. Kerala C. Andhra Pradesh D. Karnataka

175 / 200

Who was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize in Physics?

176 / 200

Admin is capable . . . . . . . . doing anything? A. about B. of C. on D. in

177 / 200

Choose the pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the original pair of words. DEPRESSED : SAD

178 / 200

In the Mauryan Administration ‘Sannidhata’ was incharge of

179 / 200

Galileo was also interested . . . . . . . . astronomy. A. in B. on C. at D. for

180 / 200

Tissue in which cells have lost the capacity of cell division is

181 / 200

Which of the following is not a fundamental duty? A. To abide by constitution and respect the National Flag B. To promote harmony and brotherhood C. To uphold and protect the sovereignty D. Abolition of' titles except military and academic

182 / 200

Bubbles of air rise up through liquids due to A. Surface tension and adherence B. Viscosity and buoyancy C. Air current over the liquid and buoyancy D. Up thrust and surface tension

183 / 200

A firm learns that the own-price elasticity of a product it manufacturers is 3.5. What is the correct action for the firm to take to raise its total revenue?

184 / 200

Which of the following percent of the horizontal reservation has been given to the women of Uttarakhand in government services ?

185 / 200

Asansol is known for its:

186 / 200

The imaginary axis at which the earth rotates remains inclined at an angle of ____ to the plane of earth's orbit.

187 / 200

This place affords a bird's eye view of the green valley below. A. beautiful view B. general view C. narrow view D. ugly view

188 / 200

In which year United Nations Organization was formed?

189 / 200

Price of a product falls by 10% and its demand rises by 30%. The elasticity of demand is

190 / 200

One billionth of a second is called A. Microsecond B. Picoseconds C. Millisecond D. Nanosecond

191 / 200

The West Bengal government has undertaken several initiatives to improve road safety, such as:

192 / 200

Plants are killed in winter by frost A. because of desiccation and mechanical damage to the tissues B. because no photosynthesis takes place at such low temperature C. because respiration ceases at such low temperature D. because there is no transpiration

193 / 200

The Victoria Memorial, a prominent landmark in Kolkata, is a museum dedicated to:

194 / 200

Pointing towards a man, a woman said, "His mother is the only daughter of my mother." How is the woman related to the man?

195 / 200

Western part of Tista river is known as

196 / 200

Turn left . . . . . . . . the traffic lights. A. at B. in C. on D. of

197 / 200

Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : Nobody can predict as to how long our country would take to contain the unfortunate and disastrous terrorist activities. Assumptions : I. It is impossible to put an end to terrorist activities. II. Efforts to control the terrorist activities are on.

198 / 200

The 'Kavigan' is a traditional form of:

199 / 200

The predominant soil type found in West Bengal is:

200 / 200

Who, of the following, has been appointed as Chairman of Mumbai Stock Exchange in March 2010?

Your score is


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