WBPSC Prelims Complete Test-8


WBPSC Prelims Complete Test-8

1 / 200

Which of the following is the Northernmost district of West Bengal?

2 / 200

FRS stands for

3 / 200

Which of the following states has the highest sex-ratio in 2011 ?

4 / 200

In 1699, Guru Gobind Singh, one of the prominent gurus and tenth guru of Sikhs established: A. The Gurudwara B. The Sangam C. The Khalsa D. None of these

5 / 200

At the 5Th National Film Awards, whowas declared the best actress ?

6 / 200

Sankardeva was a great bhakti saint of

7 / 200

Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : The President assured the people that elections will be held here after every five years, Assumptions : I. People are afraid that the elections may not be held at all. II. People are afraid that the elections may not be held after five years.

8 / 200

Primary deficit in the Union Budget for 2010-11 is estimated at

9 / 200

The following question, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words: Roster : Duty :: Inventory : ?

10 / 200

The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is

11 / 200

The first Bengali film was produced in the year 1919. It was produced under the banner of Madan Theatre. The name of the film was

12 / 200

Find out that word, the spelling of which is wrong.

13 / 200

Who was called ‘a slave of a slave’?

14 / 200

Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : "If it does not rain throughout this month, most farmers would be in trouble this year." Assumptions : I. Timely rain is essential for farming. II. Most farmers are generally dependent on rains.

15 / 200

Find the odd number / letters / word from the given alternative:

16 / 200

Which amongst the following is the polling station located at the highest altitude in Uttarakhand ?

17 / 200

. . . . . . . . palm tree is generally very tall. A. a B. an C. the D. no article

18 / 200


19 / 200

The 'Kanyashree Prakalpa' scheme aims to improve:

20 / 200

Which are the three notified varieties of rice?

21 / 200

Who was the founder Chairman of 'Harijan Sewak Sangh' ?

22 / 200

Which one of the following is a source of methane emission into the atmosphere? A. Automobile exhaust fume B. Industrial chimney C. Mining D. Wet land

23 / 200

What is the expected target of development in the 'vision paper' of the 12* Five Year Plan (2012-2017) as accepted by the National Development Council?

24 / 200

Economics is derived from the Greek word 'oikonomikus' which means

25 / 200

Which phase's intiation is indicated by the appearance of the chromosomes as thin threads in the nucleus?

26 / 200

The type of glass used in making lenses and prisms is A. Jena glass B. Soft glass C. Pyrex glass D. Flint glass

27 / 200

Who is the founder of the theatre group 'Nandikar'?

28 / 200

Excessive use of chemical fertilizers can lead to:

29 / 200

Where do arteries carry blood? A. Heart B. Lungs C. Tissues D. Brain

30 / 200

Which city has become the first Indian city to win 'Pierre Lenfant International Planning Excellence Award 2017' instituted by the American Planning Association?

31 / 200

Kanthi lies in which geographic region of West Bengal?

32 / 200

The "National Health Mission" (NHM) is a flagship program of the Government of India aimed at:

33 / 200

My letter was delivered . . . . . . . . me by post office. A. for B. of C. to D. on

34 / 200

Local governance is the foundation of- A. Elite system B. Secular state C. Democracy D. Reservation

35 / 200

At the time of independence (1947), West Bengal is divided into

36 / 200

The length of the day is determined in

37 / 200

How does common salt help in separating soap from the solution after saponification? A. By decreasing density of Soap B. By decreasing solubility of Soap C. By increasing density of Soap D. By increasing solubility of Soap

38 / 200

Ramnagar Legislative Constituency isa part of :

39 / 200

Which mode of transport is crucial for commuting in the Sundarbans delta?

40 / 200

Family planning is essential for curbing the rapid . . . . . . . in population.

41 / 200

The languages used in China is

42 / 200

Two bags A and B have equal number of bails. Bag A has 20% red balls and 80% green bails. Bag B has 30% red bails. 60% green balls and 10% yellow balls. Contents of Bags A and B are mixed thoroughly and a ball is randomly picked from the mixture. What is the chance that the ball picked is red? A. 20% B. 25% C. 30% D. 40%

43 / 200

Find out that word, the spelling of which is wrong.

44 / 200

According to the provisional figures of 2011 Census male-female ratio in India is

45 / 200

The drought affected region of Purulia is provided with highly subsidised rate of foodgrains under which scheme?

46 / 200

Blue is what number on the resistor color code?

47 / 200

The absolute zero is a temperature at which ________ A. Molecular motion in a gas would cease B. Water freezes C. All gases become liquid D. All gases become solid

48 / 200

Find the odd number / letters / word from the given alternative:

49 / 200

What is the effect of deficit financing on economy?

50 / 200

In the long run, any firm will eventually leave the industry if

51 / 200

Which Sanskrit poet wrote famous book Geet Govinda?

52 / 200

The river situated along the border between the USA and Mexico is

53 / 200

The sight of the accident made my flesh creep. A. worried me B. frightened me C. confused me D. drew my attention

54 / 200

The manuscript of which of the following scriptures has been included in the United Nations Heritage in June, 2007?

55 / 200

Relative humidity is expressed as A. Grams B. Kilograms C. Percentage D. Ratio

56 / 200

The territory of Puducheri lies divided in the states of:

57 / 200

Electrostatic precipitator is used to control the pollution of A. Air B. Water C. Noise D. Thermal

58 / 200

The Rhine river of northern Europe empties into

59 / 200

Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution provides that the Speaker shall have and exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes?

60 / 200

The following question, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words: Circle : Diameter

61 / 200

Which of the following is not a measure of reducing inequalities?

62 / 200

What is the bond angle (in degrees) in the structure of a benzene molecule? A. 120° B. 90° C. 150° D. 60°

63 / 200

He is in need of . . . . . . . . money. A. a B. an C. the D. no article

64 / 200

Choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the following blank:Ramayana, an ancient Indian epic poem, _________ by Valmiki.

65 / 200

She is jealous . . . . . . . . my friend? A. from B. with C. of D. by

66 / 200

Undertaker wrestled Yokozuna at the 1994 "Royal Rumble". This was a Casket Match. Undertaker wrestled in another Casket Match at the 1998 "Royal Rumble". Who did he wrestle?

67 / 200

P.T. Usha, who came close to bagging a bronze finished fourth in ____ in 1984 Olympics.

68 / 200

Goldsmiths use aquaregia which is prepared by mixing

69 / 200

In which of the following team events India got a Gold Medal at the 2002 Asian Games?

70 / 200

Which of the following circuit elements is used to ''block" DC in an electronic circuit ? A. Resistances B. Capacitance C. Inductance D. Diode

71 / 200

We cannot take . . . . . . . . U-turn from here. A. a B. an C. the D. no article

72 / 200

Which one of the following organic compounds has fruity smell? A. Alcohol B. Aldehyde C. Ester D. Ether

73 / 200

National Democratic Alliance was founded in? A. 1951 B. 1998 C. 2004 D. 1980

74 / 200

Who won the Rome Master’s (2015) women’s singles title?

75 / 200

Most of the production of Natural gas in India comes from

76 / 200

A probability distribution with right skew is shown in the figure. The correct statement for the probability distribution is A. Mean is equal to mode B. Mean is greater than median but less than mode C. Mean is greater than median and mode D. Mode is greater than median

77 / 200

The most critical stage of irrigation in wheat is

78 / 200

Which one of the following public sector undertakings has not been accorded status of ‘Navaratua’?

79 / 200

Match the following List-I (Wildlife Sanctuary) List-II (Establishment Year) a. Ballabhpur Wildlife Sanctuary 1. 1985 b. Jorepokhri Wildlife Sanctuary 2. 1980 c. Bibhutibhushan Wildlife Sanctuary 3. 1977 d. Ramnabagan Wildlife Sanctuary 4. 1981

80 / 200

Choose the word which is different from the rest.

81 / 200

The following question, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words: Elusive : Capture

82 / 200

When is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, recognized by the UN observed?

83 / 200

Which of the following animals have three hearts and blue blood?

84 / 200

Article-43(A) of the Indian Constitution "Participation of workers in management of industries" deals with? A. The State Government B. The Union Government C. The directive principles of state policy D. The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen

85 / 200

On which rivers estuary is the "Aliabet Island’ situated ?

86 / 200

Which Indian badminton player won the silver medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics ?

87 / 200

Match List-I (Commission/Committee) with List-II (Mandate). List-I List-II a. Sachar Committee 1. Anti-Sikh Riots, 1984 b. Srikrishna Commission 2. Socio-economic and educational conditions of Muslims in India c. Ranganath Misra Commission 3. Bombay Communal Riots, 1992 d. Nanavati Commission 4. Linguistic and religious minorities in India

88 / 200

Who played the role of Nandini, the protagonist in Rabindranath Tagore's play 'Rakta Karabi'?

89 / 200

. . . . . . . . London is the capital of Great Britain. A. a B. an C. the D. no article

90 / 200

Tapan Sinha received the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for the year

91 / 200

Total number of colours exists in sunlight A. 5 B. 7 C. 9 D. 10

92 / 200

Under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939,how many grounds for a Muslim wife is provided for dissolution of marriage ?

93 / 200

P is the son of Q while Q and R are the sisters to one another. T is the mother of R. If S is the son of T, which of the following statements is correct ?

94 / 200

Water will not be vapourised if A. The temperature is 0°C B. The humidity is 0% C. The humidity is 100% D. The temperature is 100°C

95 / 200

Swan-song A. Music as sweet as a song of birds B. A melodious song in praise of someone C. Praise of a woman by her lover D. Last work of a poet or musician before death

96 / 200

Find the missing term in the given sequence: RUA, UBG, XIL, APP, DWS,?

97 / 200

Which one of the following is a Directive Principle of the State Policy ?

98 / 200

Find the missing number?

99 / 200

The final image in a simple microscope is A. Real, diminished and inverted B. Real, magnified and erect C. Virtual, magnified and erect D. Virtual, diminished and erect

100 / 200

The wholly state owned agency, the West Bengal Mineral Development and Trading Corporation Limited was incorporated in the year?

101 / 200

Which one of the following age groups is eligible for enrolment under "Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan"?

102 / 200

Kolkata Jain temple was built in 1867 by

103 / 200

Which elements have 7 valence electrons in their outermost shells? A. halogen B. transitive element C. inert gases D. differential transitive elements

104 / 200

Consider the following statements. 1. Photochromic lenses are lenses that darken on exposure to ultraviolet light. 2. Photochromic properties is due to embedded microcrystalline of silver chloride in the glass. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? A. Only 1 B. Only 2 C. Both 1 and 2 D. Neither 1 nor 2

105 / 200

Who among the following is the winner of the National Badminton Championship (Men), 2017 ?

106 / 200

Use of more words than are needed to express the meaning

107 / 200

How many city/cities of purely hilly region in Uttarakhand has/ have been designated as Municipal Corporation ?

108 / 200

The 'Paush Parbon' festival, held in Shantiniketan, celebrates the harvest season and is associated with:

109 / 200

Which state has bagged the top spot at the country's most popular tourist destination among foreign and domestic tourists in 2016?

110 / 200

The following table gives performance of 500 students in four tests: Age group (I) (II) (III) (IV) Average Marks65 65 60 82 Range of Marks 25-85 15-100 55-750-100A stutend scores 74 marks in each test, Comparatively in which test he perfomed best?

111 / 200

Demand curve can be derived from

112 / 200

Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme for farmers was introduced in

113 / 200

An object with a mass of 22 kg moving with a velocity of 5 m/s possesses a kinetic energy of : A. 275 J B. 110 J C. 2750 J D. 110 J

114 / 200

DAIRPOUL, the poultry development board was established at Kolkata in which year?

115 / 200

Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen is associated with which of the following sports ?

116 / 200

By which Amendment of the Constitution, the Fundamental Duties were added ?

117 / 200

Alipurduar district was carved out from Jalpaiguri in

118 / 200

The one who holds a fairly large group of musicians and is a leader of Chhokra dance is known as

119 / 200

Asansol is the headquarters of

120 / 200

Rajbanshi dialect is spoken in

121 / 200

‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ scheme has been launched in India in

122 / 200

West Bengal's economy is characterized by a significant presence of:

123 / 200

In quantum mechanics a particle is represented by a A. Wave B. Wave packet C. Particle D. None of the above

124 / 200

Which Sultan of Delhi established a separate agriculture department which planned rotation of crops? A. Mohammad Bin Tuglaq B. Qutbuddin Aibak C. Firoz Shah Tuglaq D. None of these

125 / 200

1. laugh 2. made 3. I 4.him A. 2413 B. 3241 C. 3412 D. 1423

126 / 200

Choose the word which is different from the rest.

127 / 200

The source of Kaveri River lies in

128 / 200

Who among the following is not the exponent of ‘Dualism Theory’ ?

129 / 200

The teeth lacking in herbivorous animals is

130 / 200

Which Sikh Guru started ‘Masand’ system ?

131 / 200

Which of these is NOT a planned city in West Bengal?

132 / 200

Which one of the following is not reserve food of fungi?

133 / 200

A bag contains 5 red marbles and some white marbles. If the probability of drawing a white marble is double that of red marble, the number of white marbles in the bag is

134 / 200

Find the odd number / letters / word from the given alternative:

135 / 200

At which of the following is the headquarters of North-Western Railways located ?

136 / 200

During World War II, when did Germany attack France?

137 / 200

The year 1995 is the golden Jubilee year of which of the following international organizations?

138 / 200

Pakistan has been vigorously pursuing a clandestine nuclear weapons programme.

139 / 200

The author of 'Economic Theory and Operations Analysis' is

140 / 200

Antigen is a substance which

141 / 200

Rabindra Sadan was opened in the year

142 / 200

Howrah Bridge was established in

143 / 200

The Bandel Thermal Power Project of WBPDCL is located in

144 / 200

The head of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation is the:

145 / 200

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. Reasonable ambition, if supported / at persistent efforts, / is likely to yield / the desired results.

146 / 200

Which of the following had signed with President Ayub Khan on Tashkent agreement- A. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru B. Dr. Rajendra Prasad C. Lal Bahadur Shashtri D. Indira Gandhi

147 / 200

Refrigerators keep food unspoiled because A. at its low temperature, bacteria and moulds are inactive B. at its low temperature, the germs are killed C. at its low temperature, the germs are frozen D. it sterilises the food

148 / 200

What are the three main search expressions, or operators, recognized by Boolean logic?

149 / 200

The Panchayati Raj was first adopted by which of the following states? A. Haryana B. Rajasthan C. Madhya Pradesh D. Karnataka

150 / 200

Which one of the following is not a component of 'Bharat Nirman' launched in 2005 - 2006?

151 / 200

The 'Utkarsh Bangla' scheme is focused on:

152 / 200

Which two of the following statements are true? I. A simple monopoly firm always earns super normal profit II. Sweezy's kinked demand curve model is the best known model explaining relatively more satisfactory behaviour of oligopoly firm for price rigidity III. A perfectly competitive firm is price-taker IV. Firms under monopolistic competition earn only normal profits Choose the correct option from those below

153 / 200

Who among the following got the 'Bharat Ratna' award, before becoming the President of India?

154 / 200

A train increases its normal speed by 12.5% and reaches its destination 20 minutes earlier. What is the actual time taken by the train in the journey?

155 / 200

The great Victoria Desert is located in

156 / 200

Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : Interview conducted for selecting people for jobs should measure personality characteristics of candidates. Assumptions : I. Performance on job depends on personality characteristics. II. Personality characteristics can be measured in interview.

157 / 200

Name the sole classical gharana of the state.

158 / 200

The decaded growth rate of population during 2001-2011 was maximum in the State of

159 / 200

Which spice crop is cultivated in certain parts of West Bengal?

160 / 200

What is the minimum age to qualify for Lok Sabha Elections? A. 25 B. 30 C. 21 D. 18

161 / 200

Which of the following agencies handles the management issues regarding minerals in West Bengal?

162 / 200

If a seller faces a demand curve $$p = 16 - frac{1}{{sq}},$$ then marginal revenue will be:

163 / 200

As on March 2012, the number of Urban Co-operative Banks in India was :

164 / 200

Who among the following is the ex-officio chairman of the NITI Aayog in India? A. President B. Prime Minister C. Vice President D. Finance Minister

165 / 200

Famous Hangseshwari temple is in

166 / 200

James sat there in stunned silence, to try to absorb what Reeta was saying. A. so as to try B. trying C. as if trying D. No improvement

167 / 200

Rash Yatra is celebrated on the full moon day in

168 / 200

What is the theme of the Eleventh Five Year Plan for education sector ?

169 / 200

If it was Monday on January 15th 1989, what day it would had been on January 20, 1990 ?

170 / 200

Choose the word which is different from the rest.

171 / 200

Which country won the I.C.C. World Test Championship in 2021 ?

172 / 200

Which of the following celestial bodies contains abundant quantities of helium-3, a potential source of energy ? A. Earth B. Moon C. Venus D. Saturn

173 / 200

Chloroform can be used as A. analgesic B. anaesthetic C. antimalarial D. antibiotic

174 / 200

Which Article of the Constitution of India makes provision for District Planning Committee?

175 / 200

Which one of the following Sections of the Criminal Procedure Code provides 'Victim Compensation Scheme' ?

176 / 200

Synonym of ASSUAGE

177 / 200

Who among the following is the winner of the Jnanpith Award for the year 2015?

178 / 200

The 'District Mineral Foundation' (DMF) is a statutory body established in each district to:

179 / 200

In which one of the following places is the Forest Survey of India (FSI), a national organization engaged in forest cover mapping, forest inventory and training in the field of remote sensing and GIS, located?

180 / 200

Find the incorrect pair List-I List-II a. Jamuria Asansol Project 1. Solar b. Gosaba Project 2. Bio energy c. Purulia Kistobazar Project 3. Thermal d. Freserganj Project 4. Wind

181 / 200

Which of the following option is example of Operating System ?

182 / 200

Assertion (A): The long run cost curve is L-shaped rather than U-shaped. Reason (R): The new techniques of production of large plants reduce the total costs per unit of output.

183 / 200

Where was the historic meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korea's Leader Kim Jong-Un was held in June 2018?

184 / 200

Radioactivity is a phenomenon of the spontaneous emission of A. protons (alpha particles) B. electrons (beta particles) C. gamma rays (short wave electromagnetic waves) D. All of the above

185 / 200

What was the valid reason of the decline in trade and commerce during the period of later Mughals?

186 / 200

Who is the founder of the famous football club 'Mohun Bagan Club'?

187 / 200

He gave such a vivid description of the house we wanted to rent that we did not have to look at it.

188 / 200

As per John Locke, an English philosopher and physician, which is Dot a Natural Right? A. Liberty B. Equality C. Property D. Right to Vote

189 / 200

The demand for life-saving drugs is

190 / 200

The boiling point of water decreases at higher altitudes is due to A. Low temperature B. Low atmospheric pressure C. High temprature D. High atmospheric pressure

191 / 200

Which one of the following is used in the treatment of blood cancer?

192 / 200

When was Bank of Central African States formed?

193 / 200

Cyclones occurring in North Atlantic Ocean are known as :

194 / 200

Choose the odd one out.

195 / 200

Apiculture, or beekeeping, is practiced in certain parts of West Bengal for the production of:

196 / 200

Of the following properties of a wave, the one that is independent of the other is its A. amplitude B. velocity C. wavelength D. frequency

197 / 200

3, 15, ?, 63, 99, 143

198 / 200

Careful is to cautious as boastful is to

199 / 200

In 1948, the 'Bohurupee Theatre Group' was founded by

200 / 200

Which of the following statements is/are correct? 1. Kolkata has the highest population density in West Bengal. 2. Purulia district of West Bengal has the lowest population density.

Your score is


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