Rajasthan History and Culture Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise
2010 1- Describe the Bhakti Saints and folk Gods of medivial Rajasthan. 6 2- Describe the role of Praja Mandals in the socio-economic upliftment of people. 6 3-Throw light on the treaties signed between 1803 and 1823 between East India Company and different Rajputana Kingdoms. 6 4- Shakti Pooja In Rajasthan. 4 4(a)- Womwn’s political participation in Freedom Movement in Rajasthan. 4 4(b)- Role of Castism in Rajasthan. 4 5- Artisan castes in Rajasthan. 4 6- Rajputana -Madhya Bharat Sabha. 4 7- Battle of Tunga. 4 8- Jaipur Art during Regin of Sawai Pratap Singh. 4 9- Teej Tyunhara Bawdi, Le dubi Gangaur. 2 10- Sagar Mal Gopa. 2 11- Dulha Rai. 2 12- Mandan Sutradhar. 2 13- Chatra Chouth. 2 14- Nauchki. 2 15- Kali Bai. 2 16- Gair Dance. 2 17- Thewa Art. 2 18- Morchang. 2
2008 19- ” Rajasthan Proverb are mirror of religion , Philosophy, policy, agriculture, social traditions, etc.” Explain with examples. 6 20- Describe various comunities of Rajasthan Drawing and comment on their subject matter. 6 21-Describe the various popular Handicrafts of Rajasthan. 6 22- Describe the social structure of medival Rajasthan. 6 23- Kavi Magh. 4 24- Merger of Ajmer-Merwara in Rajasthan. 4 25- Devji. 4 26- Wedding Customs of Tribals. 4 27-Rajasthani festivals from Chaitra to Falguna. 4 28-Role of Rajasthan in 1857 Revolution. 4 29- Gindar Dance 2 30- Bari- Padla. 2 31- Phad. 2 32- Chitra Shala. 2 33-Pathwari. 2 34- Saint Ranabai . 2 35- Rasdhari Khayal. 2 36- Tasha. 2 37- Tukkangir aand Shah Ali. 2 38- Pusti Marg. 2
2007 39- Describe the Religious Beliefs , Cults and Saints of Rajasthan. 6 40- Describe the contribution of Tessitorry in Dingal Literature. 6 41- Illustrate the peasant movements of Rajasthan before independence. 6 42- Contemporary Scenario of Handicrafts of Rajasthan. 6 43- Nana Bhai Khant and Kalibai Bheelbala. 4 44- Cultural contribution of Maharana Kumbha. 4 45- Vrihad Rajasthan. 4 46- Shekhawati ki Haweliyan. 4 47- Thakur Kushal Singh Champawat. 4 48- Rangri tongue. 2 49- Kukadala. 2 50- Gofan. 2
1997 • Write an essay on ‘Nationalism in Rajasthan Literature.’. 6 • What are the main problems in preserving and maintaining rich historical and cultural heritage of Rajasthan? Suggest measures. 6 • Explain the salient features of folk music of Rajasthan. 4 • Write the names of Five freedom fighters of Rajasthan. 4 • Jambhoji. 4 • Kishangarh School of Painting. 4 • Chittaurgarh. 4 • Important Tourist Places in Rajasthan. 4 • Kanhaiyalal sethiya. 2 • Bishan Singh Sekhawat. 2 • Taragarh. 2 • Gameti. 2 • Chitrashala. 2 • Lohagarh. 2 • Kali Bangha. 2 • Praja Mandal. 2
• What are the main Problem in preserving and maintaining the rich historical and cultural heritage of Rajasthan? Suggest steps. 6 • Write the names of main tribes of Rajasthan and explain their role in the developement of Rajasthani art, culture and literature. 6 • Write the name of four freedom fighters from Rajasthan. 4 • Name four cattle fairs of Rajasthan and their location. 4 • Veer Tejaji. 4 • Mewar school of painting. 4 • Kumbhalgarh. 4 • Important Archaeological sites in Rajasthan. 4 • Vijay Dhan Deethan. 2 • Surya mal Mishran. 2 • Abhaneri. 2 • Arthuna. 2 • Bhatner. 2
1994 • Write an essay on ‘ Nationalism in Rajasthan Literature’? 6 • Discuss the main features of ‘Rajput Paintings’. 6 • Evaluate the social impact of Praja Mandal Movement in Rajasthan. 6 • Jambhoji. 4 • Kishangarh School Of Painting. 4 • Ranthambhor. 4 • Lal Bag. 4 • Important tourist places in Rajasthan. 4 • Name two places where Nagori- Bullocks are traded in cattle- fairs. 2 • Name the author of following:- (1 ) Raj Ballabh, (2) Prabandh Chintamani, (3) Vamsha Bhaskar , (4) Kanadhe Prabandh. 2 • Describe the teachings of Sunderdas. 2 • (I) Tazim (II) Angarakha. 2 • (I) 30 March 1949 A.D. (II) Akbar’s visit to Ajmer. 2 • Mandana. 2 • Nritya Ganesh. 2 • Bairath. 2 • Auwa. 2 • Bani Thani 2 • Fire Dance. 2 • Khayat. 2 • Mewati. 2 1991 • Main dialect of Rajasthan 4 • Write about Handicrafts of Rajasthan. 20 • Freedom sruggle in Rajasthan Prior to Independence. 6
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