Rajasthan: Economy current affairs
As per the advance estimates, the Net State Domestic Product at constant (2011-12) prices, in the year 2017-18 has been estimated at `5,73,628 crore as against `5,35,208 crore of the year 2016-17, showing an increase of 7.18 per cent over the previous year.
Per capita income of the state
The per capita income for the year 2017-18 (advance estimates) at current prices worked out to be `1,00,551 as against `92,076 during the year 2016-17 registering an increase of 9.21 per cent over the previous year. The per capita income at constant (2011-12) prices during 2017-18 is likely to be `76,146 as compared to `72,072 in the year 2016-17 registering an increase of 5.65 per cent over the previous year.
Banking and finances
The state has an extensive network of banking and financial system. As on September, 2017, there are total 6,957 bank offices/branches in the state, out of which 4,340 are Public Sector banks (includes SBI and its associate banks), 1,498 of regional rural banks, 1,081 of private sector banks, 6 of foreign banks and 32 of Small Finance banks.
The deposits have increased by 14.86 per cent in Rajasthan during September, 2017 over September, 2016, while at all India level deposits increased by 8.23 per cent during the same period. The credit deposit ratio for all scheduled commercial banks is 68.64 per cent in Rajasthan and 73.27 per cent at all India level as on September, 2017, whereas it was 70.61 per cent in Rajasthan and 74.46 per cent at all India level in September, 2016.
- At present, 36 District Industries Centres and 8 sub-centres are working in the state for providing inputs and other facilities to the entrepreneurs.
- Under the New Single Window Clearance st st System, from 1 June, 2016 to 31 December, 2017, total 5,489 applications have been received for approvals/ clearances. Out of these, 3,791 applications have been granted clearances/ approvals.
- RIICO is an apex organization engaged in fostering the growth of industrialization in the State. During the financial year 2017-18 (upto December 2017), RIICO has sanctioned term loan of `50.65 crore, term loan disbursement of `29.37 crore, and recovered loan of `153.16 crore.
Power generation in the state
The main sources of energy generation in the State are Kota and Suratgarh Thermal Projects, Dholpur Gas Thermal Project, Mahi Hydel, Wind farms, Biomass, Captive Power Plants, Bhakra, Vyas, Chambal, Satpura Inter-State Partnership Projects and Rajasthan Atomic Power Project Singroli, Rihand, Dadri, Anta, Auriya, Dadri Gas plants, Unchahar thermal and Tanakpur, Salal, Chamera and Uri hydel projects from Central Sector.
The installed capacity of power in the State as on March, 2017 was 18,677.18 MW. The total increase in installed capacity during the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017) is 859.59 MW. Hence, the installed capacity as on December, 2017 was 19,536.77 MW.
Rajasthan is blessed with Maximum Solar Radiation Intensity with a very low average rainfall. Solar Power plants of 2,258.50 MW have been commissioned in the state upto December, 2017.
The wind energy potential in the state is estimated to be about 18,770 MW at 100 M hub height. A total of 4,292.5 MW wind power capacity has been established upto December, 2017 in the state.
Among different renewable energy sources, Biomass is a versatile energy source, which is clean, reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The main source for biomass energy in the state is mustard husk and Julie Flora. Total 13 Biomass Power Generation Plants of 120.45 MW capacity have been established till December, 2017 in the state.
The total Extra High Voltage (EHV) Transmission network of the State as on March, 2012 was 28,363.29 Ckt. km (circuit km) which has increased to 35,972.35 Ckt. km upto March, 2017.
Roads and transport
As on 31 March, 2017, state has a total road length of 2,26,853.86 km. The road density in the state is 66.29 km per 100 sq. km. During the year 2017-18 upto December, 2017 3,794 km Black Top roads have been constructed under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), Rajasthan Road Sector Modernization Projects (RRSMP) and other programmes/projects.
In Gramin Gaurav Path (GGP) phase-I, construction works of 1,726 km GGP (CC road) have been completed with an expenditure of `873 crore in 1,973 Panchayat HQ’s. Drain works were completed in 1,872 PHQ’s and remaining works are in progress. In II phase construction works of 1,778 km GGP road (CC road), have been completed with an expenditure of `688 crore in 1,729 PHQ’s and remaining works are under progress. Rural Roads GGP- In III phase of Gramin Gaurav Path (GGP) 2,086 works (PHQ’s) amounting `1,200 crore to construct 2,077 km GGP road (CC road), sanctioned, works are under progress. Rural Roads GGP- In IV phase of Gramin Gaurav Path (GGP) 436 works (PHQ’s) amounting `261.36 crore to construct 436 km GGP road (CC road), sanctioned, works are under progress.
Under PMGSY, 626 habitations (Dhani/ Majara) having population 250 and above connected by 2,106 km BT roads, 15 villages having population 250 to 499 connected by BT roads under RRSMP and NABARD. Works of 19 State Highways, 10 District Roads, 37 Urban Roads and 215 Rural Roads have also been sanctioned.
In the Transport sector, during the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017) `2,839.34 crore revenue has been collected, against the target of `4,050 crore. The total number of motor vehicles registered with transport department increased by 6.91 per cent from 149.00 lakh in 2016-17 to 159.31 lakh in December, 2017.
Urban development
Out of 191 municipal towns, Master plans of 184 municipal towns have been prepared and got approved by the Government.
Jaipur Metro Rail Project: Phase 1A (Mansarovar to Chandpole) of the project has been completed and Phase 1B (Chandpole to Badi Chaupar) comprises underground rail infrastructure of about 2.44 kilometers length (Chandpole to Badi Chauper) and 2 Stations, namely Chhoti Chaupar and Badi Chauper. Tunneling work between Chandpole to Badi Chaupar has been done. Construction work at Badi Chaupar and Chhoti Chaupar Metro stations is under progress.
Energy saving Project” has been initiated in the state to save energy in Street Light Sector. The aim of the project is to increase the illumination level on roads and to reduce the electricity consumption. Work of setting up LED lights is almost complete in 162 local bodies and in 17 local bodies is under process. 8.78 lakh LED lights have been setup in the Rajasthan upto December, 2017. Rajasthan is at the first position in India in setting up of LED street lights.
Information and communication technology
2 Annual IT Day was celebrated on 21 March, 2017 at B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur along st with 1 Hackathon. First DigiFest along with th second Hackathon held at Kota on 18 August, 2017. During this DigiFest three new platforms namely, iStart, Challenge for Change, Rajasthan Stack were launched to promote startup in the state.
Rajasthan Sampark Portal: A new toll free number (181) for the CM Helpline is being used as centralized grievance redressal platform. Rajasthan Sampark Centers with video conferencing equipments and facilities have been established at all Atal Sewa Kendras at all the blocks across the state.
e-Mitra Kiosks: Presently more than 350 services of government/private departments are being provided electronically through more than 48,000 e-Mitra Kiosks to the citizens of the state. There are approximately 40 lakh transactions per month at e-Mitra Portal Kiosk and per month approximately `400 crore is being collected as revenue.
For integrated solution on G.P.S. and CCTV based security ‘Abhay’ Command Control Centers at Jaipur, Kota, Ajmer and Udaipur have been established.
Agriculture and allied services
As per Agriculture Census 2015-16 (Provisional), the total number of operational land holdings in the State is 76.55 lakh whereas it was 68.88 lakh in 2010-11, showing a growth of 11.14 per cent.
During the year 2017-18, the total foodgrain production in the State is expected to be 225.82 lakh tonnes as compared to production of 231.04 lakh tonnes in the agricultural year 2016-17, which is showing a decrease of 2.26 per cent over the previous year.
Under National Horticulture Mission, to increase the area, production and productivity of different horticulture crops like fruits, spices and flowers in selected 24 districts, orchards of fruits and spices have been established in 2,746 hectare and 1,117 hectare respectively.
Under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana, drips and Sprinklers have been installed in 6,543 hectare and 8,152 hectare respectively during the year 2017-18 up to December, 2017.
In order to control diseases of livestock, 273.45 lakh vaccinations have been executed. For breed improvement 3.51 lakh in large animals and 4.86 lakh in small animals are castrated and 25.87 lakh artificial inseminations have been executed during the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017).
14,466 Dairy Cooperative Societies have been affiliated with 21 District Milk Producers Cooperative Unions spread over in the State and a State level Apex Body, ‘Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation (RCDF) Limited, Jaipur is functional.
Bhamashah Pashu Bima Yojna
Yojna is being implemented in the State for the welfare of livestock breeders. 59,620 cattle units of 32,673 Livestock breeders have been insured in the financial year 2017-18 upto December, 2017 against the target of 81,000 cattle units and `491.23 lakh have been utilized as subsidy on insurance premium.
Avika kavach Bima Yojna
Yojna is being implemented in the State for the welfare of sheep breeders. 15,930 sheeps of 658 sheep breeders have been insured in the financial year 2017-18 up to December, 2017 and `21.98 lakh has been utilized as subsidy on insurance premium.
- During financial year 2017-18, an expenditure of `1,110.41 crore has been incurred on various irrigation projects. During the same period, 2,377 hectare (including IGNP) additional irrigation potential has been created upto December, 2017.
- During the year 2017-18, 3 major (Narmada Canal Project, Parwan, Dholpur lift), 1 modernization work (Gang Canal), 7 medium projects (Garadada, Takli, Piplad, Gagrin, Lhasi, Rajgarh and Hatiyadeh) and 47 minor irrigation schemes are under progress.
- Rajasthan Water Sector Livelihood Improvement Project (RWSLIP) has been sanctioned for getting loan assistance from JICA for rehabilitation and renovation of 137 Irrigation Project in 25 district.
- In elementary education, the state has achieved remarkable progress during last decade. There are 35,664 Government Primary Schools (PS), 20,744 Government Upper Primary Schools (UPS) and 13,983 Government Secondary/Sr. Secondary schools with elementary classes wherein the total enrolment of students is 62.89 lakh.
- A centrally sponsored scheme namely ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ is being implemented in the state to provide education to children in the age group of 6-14 years.This also includes activities to bridge social, regional and gender gaps with the help of public participation in school management.
- Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 is being implemented in the state since st 1 April, 2010. 25 per cent seats are reserved in private schools for boys/girls of weaker sections and disadvantaged group. 5.35 lakh children including 1.17 lakh new admissions have been upgraded and newly admitted on free seats of private schools in the year 2017-18.
- To promote girl education in the state, 200 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhalaya (KGBV) are functional in which 19,984 girls are studying, 9 Mewat Balika Awasiya Vidhalaya are also functional from which 443 girls are being benefitted and similarly Meena Manch, Adhyapika Manch and Academic Kishori Mela have been successfully implemented.
- In Saakshar Bharat Programme 9,022 Lok Shiksha Kendras are being run in 9,022 Gram Panchayats by 15,637 Preraks. Against the Target of 10.00 lakh, 11.00 lakh illiterates have been enrolled in the year 2017-18 upto December, 2017.
Health and family welfare
Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Dava Yojna” is being implimented in the state with the aims to benefit all the patients coming to government hospitals. During the year 2017-18, Essential drug list of 606 medicines, 77 sutures & 147 surgical items are listed. Medicines are available for Outdoor patients according to OPD timings and 24 hours for Indoor and Emergency patients. Under the scheme, medicines for the treatment of critical and severe disease are also available. During the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017) an expenditure of `322.11 crore has been incurred. Under the Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Janch Yojana 17.90 crore Investigations and 9.41 crore Beneficiaries have also been benefited upto December, 2017.
During the Financial year 2017-18, 4 Sub Centers have been upgraded to PHCs, 8 PHCs to CHCs, 1 CHC to satellite hospital. 5 New PHCs and 3 New Sub Centers have been sanctioned, 714 Beds in various hospitals & CHCs and 2,650 Beds in MCH wings have been sanctioned.
With the objectives of population stabilization and reduction in maternal and child deaths, population stabilization and family welfare programmes are being implemented in the state. During the year 2017-18, (upto December, 2017) about 1,68,481 sterilization operations were performed and 3, 29,333 IUDs and 1,45,578 Post Placental IUCD (PPIUCD) were inserted. Besides this, services are being provided to 3,49,037 users of Oral Pills (OP) and 4,75,446 CC users.
Water supply
3,827 habitations have been covered with Drinking Water, which include 1,353 quality affected, 268 SC dominated habitations, 859 ST dominated habitations and 71 minority dominated habitations during the year 2017-18 upto December, 2017.
3,546 Hand pumps and 1,500 tube wells have been commissioned and similarly 1,81,136 hand pumps have been repaired during the year 2017-18, till December, 2017.
A project of Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants to tackle the problem of salinity as well as multi quality including fluoride in quality affected habitations of the state has been taken up by PHED. Out of 3,444 RO plants sanctioned, 2,194 plants have been commissioned till December.2017
Rural development
Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), `3,974.30 crore have been spent and 1818.19 lakh man-days were generated by providing employment to 39.58 lakh households, 0.34 lakh households completed 100 days employment, during 2017-18 upto December, 2017.
Under Indira Awas Yojana, during the year 2017-18, 37,043 new houses have been completed upto December, 2017.
Under Border Area Development Programme, `80.55 Crore has been spent and 726 works have been completed, similarly in MLA local area development fund `317.19 crore have been spent and 7,694 works have been completed till December, 2017. Also under MP Local Area development fund, `91.74 crore have been spent and 1,808 works have been completed. Under various development programme, amount has been utilized for the development of various backward areas like Mewat Area development fund `29.04 crore, under Magra Area development fund `23.18 crore, under Dang Area development fund `26.02 crore, under Swa-vivek Zila Vikas Yojana `2.36 crore upto December, 2017.
Bhamashah yojna : Public welfare benefits delivery system
In Bhamashah Scheme, upto 31 December, 2017 more than 1.50 crore families and 5.52 crore persons have been enrolled. Benefits of different cash as well as non-cash schemes have been transacted through Bhamashah platform. More than 32.55 crore cash or non-cash transactions have been transacted and amounting to more than `12,500 crore have been transferred directly to bank accounts of beneficiaries.
To provide statutory institutional framework to the Bhamashah Yojna, “The Rajasthan Bhamashah (Direct Transfer of Public Welfare Benefits and Delivery of Services) Act, 2017″ has been passed by the Rajasthan State Assembly in April, 2017.
Mukhyamantri rajshree yojna
This Scheme was announced by the Hon’ble Chief Minister in 2016-17 budget announcements to develop a positive attitude towards the girl child in the society and improve her health and education status in the state. This is a flagship scheme which expects to bring Women Empowerment and gender equality in the state. Girl children belonging to the state of st Rajasthan, who born on or after the 1 of June 2016, are eligible for financial assistance under the scheme. Under this scheme, a total grant of `50,000 is provided in 6 installments to the parents/guardians of the eligible girl. 8,13,759 girls have been benefitted with the first installment and 1,57,788 girls have been benefitted with the second installment of the scheme st in a period from 1 June, 2016 to December, 2017.
Smart Village
The scheme was announced by the Honorable Chief Minister of Rajasthan in the budget 2017-18. In this scheme 3,275 Villages are selected to develop as a SMART VILLAGE. Base line Survey has been conducted and 36,679 works have been identified for development of smart village.
Fiscal Deficit
The fiscal deficit remains `46,318 crore in 2016-17 with UDAY scheme, as against `47,651 crore assumed in Revised Estimates 2016-17. Fiscal Deficit without UDAY scheme remains `23,946 crore as against `25,279 crore estimated in Revised Estimates 2016-17. Fiscal Deficit to Gross State Domestic Product ratio remains 6.10 per cent with UDAYscheme in 2016-17, whereas it was projected 6.36 per cent in Revised Estimates 2016-17. Fiscal Deficit without the impact of UDAY scheme worked out to 3.15 per cent of GSDP as against 3.37 per cent projected in Revised Estimates of 2016-17.
Trends of Receipts
During the year 2016-17, the revenue receipts have increased by 8.72 per cent over previous year. The growth rate of own tax revenue is 3.88per cent which is mainly due to growth of 28.73 per cent in Entertainment & Luxury Tax, 15.50 per cent in Land Revenue, 13.23 per cent in Vehicle Tax, 8.40 per cent in Sales Tax, 5.08 per cent in State Excise neutralized by negative growth of (-) 5.24 per cent in Taxes on Goods & Passenger Tax, (-) 5.59 per cent in Stamps and Registration and (-) 61.58 per cent in Electricity Duty over the previous year.
Fiscal Consolidation
State remains into Revenue Deficit during the year 2016-17 amounting to `18,114 crore. Fiscal Deficit as a percentage of GSDPhas been reduced during the year 2016-17 with comparison to the year 2015-16. Fiscal Deficit remains to `46,318 crore with UDAY scheme during the year 2016-17, which is 6.10 per cent of GSDP. Fiscal Deficit without UDAY scheme remains to `23,946 crore which is 3.15 per cent of GSDP. Fiscal Deficit was `63,070 crore with UDAY scheme during the year 2015-16, which was 9.22 per cent of GSDP, fiscal deficit without UDAY scheme was `23,020 crore which was 3.37 per cent of GSDP.
GSDP at current prices
The estimates of GSDP at current prices are obtained by evaluating the product at current prices prevailing during the year. The estimates of GSDP at current prices, over the time do not reveal actual economic growth because these contain the combined effect of (i) the changes in volume of goods and services and (ii) the changes in the prices of goods and services. As per advance estimates, the nominal GSDP or GSDP at Current Prices for the year 2017-18 is likely to attain a level of `8.40 lakh crore, as against `7.59 lakh crore in the year 2016-17 showing an increase of 10.67 per cent in 2017-18 against 11.04 per cent in the year 2016-17.
GSDP at constatnt ( 2011-12 ) prices
As per advance estimates, the real GSDP or GSDP at Constant (2011-12) Prices for the year 2017-18 is likely to attain a level of `6.42 lakh crore, as against `5.99 lakh crore in the year 2016-17 showing an increase of 7.16 per cent in the year 2017-18 against the growth of 7.33 per cent in the year 2016-17.
Net state domestic product ( NSDP ) at constatnt ( 2011-12 ) prices
As per advance estimates of the year 2017-18, the real NSDPat Constant (2011-12) Prices is likely to attain a level of `5.74 lakh crore, as against `5.35 lakh crore in the year 2016-17 showing an increase of 7.18 per cent in the year 2017-18 against the growth 7.44 per cent in 2016-17.
NSDP at current prices
As per advance estimates, the nominal NSDP at Current Prices for the year 2017-18 is likely to attain a level of `7.57 lakh crore, as against `6.84 lakh crore in the year 2016-17 showing an increase of 10.78 per cent in the year 2017-18 against 11.23 per cent in the year 2016-17.
Distribution of Iodine and Iron mixed fortified salt
Iodine and Iron mixed Double Fortified Salt (DFS) is being provided by the State Government through Fair Price Shops at `15 per kg.. Rajasthan State Food and Civil Supplies Corporation is the nodal agency for distribution for DFS.
Global Rajasthan Agri-tech Meet (GRAM
PMFBY was restructured by the Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) and modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS), during 2016-17. This scheme is being implemented since kharif 2016. Global Rajasthan Agritech Meet was successfully th th organized from 24 to 26 May, 2017 at Kota and th th from 7 to 9 November, 2017 at Udaipur. During the events, 40 MOUs worth `1,555.83 crore have been signed for investment in agriculture and allied sectors. Approximately 1,23,000 farmers and other visitors participated in the events. All the participants including farmer, investors, businessmen, academicians, scientists, students, educationists, researchers, etc. accepted the usefulness of the techniques shown in the smart farm and exhibition about agriculture, animal husbandry and dairy sectors.
Avika kavach Bima Yojna
Scheme is being implemented in the State for the welfare of sheep breeders. Under this insurance scheme, provision is 80 per cent subsidy on premium of sheep insurance for SC/ST/BPLsheep breeders and 70 per cent subsidy on premium of sheep insurance for other sheep breeders. 15,930 sheep of 658 sheep breeders have been insured in the financial year 2017-18 upto December, 2017 and `21.98 lakh has been utilized as subsidy on insurance premium.
Rajasthan is blessed with Maximum Solar Radiation Intensity of about 6-7kWh/ Sq.m/day and maximum sunny days (more than 325 days in a year) with a very low average rainfall. As per the assessment of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, Rajasthan has a potential of 142 GW of electricity from solar energy. Further, State Government has issued an investor friendly Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy, 2014 for setting up an ambitious target of 25 GW solar capacity in the State. Hence, the State known for its dried desert is now fast emerging as biggest hub of solar power. Solar Power plants of 2,258.50 MW have been commissioned in the State upto December, 2017.
Wind Power Programme (Wind Energy)
The wind energy potential in the state is estimated to be about 18,770 MW at 100 M hub height. A total of 4,292.5 MW wind power capacity has been established upto December, 2017 in the state.
Utkrist Vidhyalaya Yojana
Under the Rajasthan’s Adarsh Vidyalaya scheme, one selected Government Senior Secondary/ Secondary School is being developed as “Adarsh Vidyalaya” in every gram panchayat. Adarsh School (Class I to XII/ X) will work as a “Mentor School” and “Resource Centre” for this Utkrist Vidhyalaya. One selected Upper Primary/Primary School in each Gram Panchayat is to be transformed into as “Utkrisht Vidhyalaya”. In this regard, Utkrist Vidhyalaya will be developed as a st “center of excellence” for elementary education. In 1 phase total 4,256 schools (by Academic Session nd 2016-17) and in 2 phase 5,375 (by Academic Session 2017-18), total 9,631 Schools shall be developed as Utkrist Vidhyalaya. 62 utkrst vidhyalaya were merged now the current status is total 9,569 Utkrst Vidhyalaya are working.
Sanskrit Education
Efforts were started for protection and promotion of Sanskrit language soon after the independence of the country. Today, there are 15 Sanskrit Universities working in India.Rajasthan is the leading State where a separate Directorate for Sanskrit language has been functioning since its establishment in 1958. The Directorate has been working for promoting Sanskrit through its institutions right from school level to Post Graduate level.
Engineering/ Management Education
To provide Engineering education at Under Graduate and Post Graduate level, total 112 Engineering Colleges are functional in the State. Out of these, 12 are Government aided and 100 are private un-aided Engineering Colleges with total admission capacity of around 45,736 students per year. Similarly, for Management Education at P.G. level, 60 MBA institutions.
LED Light Project
“Energy saving Project” has been initiated in the State to save energy in Street Light Sector. The aim of the project is to increase the illumination level on roads and to reduce the electricity consumption. MOU has been signed on 23 January, 2015 with Energy Efficiency Services Limited, (EESL) New Delhi a pulic sector enterprise of Government of India.To fully enforce this project in Rajasthan, work of execution of MOU between EESL in all 191 local bodies has been completed. Work of setting up LED lights is almost complete in 162 local bodies and in 17 local bodies work is under process. 8.78 lakh LED lights have been setup in Rajasthan upto December, 2017. Rajasthan is at first position in India in setting up of LED street lights.
Smart Raj Project
Smart Raj Plan has been launched in the state with the objective of making available services to the general public of the state.
Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan Project
The Government of Rajasthan, with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Sir Ratan Tata Trust, is implementing the Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan (MPOWER) covering six blocks, one block each from Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Barmer, Pali, Sirohi and Jalore. Two new blocks Balesar (Jodhpur) and Pindwara (Sirohi) have been selected for upscaling livelihood activities of MPOWER from the year 2016-17. The long-term goal of the project is to reduce poverty in the selected Blocks, which are amongst the poorest in the Western Rajasthan.
Under this project, about 84,000 BPL families of 1,055 villages of 215 Gram Panchayats are being directly benefited. 5,152 Self Help Groups (SHG’s), 447 village organization and 16 cluster level Federations have been formed in which more than 50,000 poor women are benefitted. Total savings in SHG’s are `44.46 crore, 4,954 SHG’s accounts have been opened and 4,647 SHG’s have been linked to bank loans amounting `29.81 crore till December, 2017. 4,952 SHG’s have been given revolving fund of `7.42 crore and seed capital of `23.16 crore have been provided to 2,692 SHG’s.
Under this project, 5,126 youths (2,126 men & 3,000 women) have also been trained and linked to employment, like-security guard, sewing machine operators, computer operators and tailoring etc. under skill development program. Different equipments are distributed under the Drudgery Reduction Activities to 49,329 female SHG’s members.
Rural Houses: Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY)
During the year 2016-17, 2,26,049 houses were constructed against the annual target of 2,50,258, which was 90.33 per cent of the target. During the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 1,68,119 houses have been constructed against the annual target of 2,23,629, which is 75.18 per cent of the target.
EWS/ LIG Houses in Urban Areas
During the year 2016-17, 13,423 houses were constructed against the target of 10,486, which was 128.01 per cent of the total target. During the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 1089 houses have been constructed against the annual target of 11,535, which is 9.44 per cent of the target.
General scenario of ppp ( public-private partnership projects) In rajasthan
Briefly, total 153 projects costing `11,619.23 crore st has been completed upto 31 December, 2017. Construction works under 68 projects costing `53,400.76 crore are in progress; while 104 projects amounting to `24,879.00 crore are under different stages of projects development. Thus, a total 325 projects with estimated cost of `89,898.99 crore are at different stages. Some projects have been shown as single project in respective category.
Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program-1 (RSHIP-I) – ADB
The total cost of this Project is `2,452.36 crore, out of which `1,430 crore (220 Million US$ ) will be funded by ADB. Project is effective from November, 2017 and is to be completed by March, 2022.
The object of the project is to improve transport efficiency and safety on State highways. The project shall comprise the upgrading of around 1000 km of State highways and Major District Roads (MDRs) to two lane or intermediate lane standards and capacity building of PPP division, PWD by preparing and piloting streamlined business processes and procedures for road asset management, road safety and project management.
Development work of 16 Highways having 980 Km length amounting to `1,944.22 crore in Kota, Jhalawar, Alwar, Bharatpur, Barmer, Jalore, Pali, Hanumangarh, Churu, Bikaner, Nagaur, Jaipur, Ajmer, Sikar & Jhunjhunu districts have been awarded under the project. All the 16 Highway works are under progress.
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