Major Service Sector Issues of Rajasthan.

  Information Technology and IT enabled Services Software and services exports continued to remain on top of the IT industry’s revenue. The export-driven software sector saw major long-term projects come to Indian ICT leaders and Indian Companies bagging a larger and larger share of the global outsourced business. The state of Rajasthan offers huge investment … Read more Major Service Sector Issues of Rajasthan.

Major Industrial Sector Issues of Rajasthan.

  Industrialization in Rajasthan has been a recent phenomenon, as prior to the independence the development of industries was restricted by the following factors:- Lack of Interest by the rulers Lack of technical know how Lack of transport facilities. RICCO has been established as an apex body for the development of industries in the state, … Read more Major Industrial Sector Issues of Rajasthan.

Trade Patterns of Rajasthan

  Trade is known as the exchange of commodities and services. Prosperity of a State/Nation depends on the Balance of Trade. Trade play an important role in the development of the state and is dependent on several factors such as:- Means of Communication Education and Literacy level in the society Transport Network Surplus Production Diversity … Read more Trade Patterns of Rajasthan

Macro overview of Rajasthan Economy

  Macro overview of Rajasthan Economy Rajasthan is the largest state of India, located in the north-western part of the subcontinent. It borders five major states in the northern, western and central parts of India which are Punjab, Haryana,UttarPradesh,Madya Pradesh and Gujrat. Strategic geographical location of Rajasthan presents it as a natural corridor between the … Read more Macro overview of Rajasthan Economy

Miscellaneous Facts:

Miscellaneous Facts:   India’s GDP per Capita 622 (US $ PPP). It is 684 US $ for Pakistan.   The top 3 countries with external debt are Brazil (235 billion $), China (193 billion $) & Russia (175 billion $). India is 9th with 112 billion $.   Functional employment occurs when people change from … Read more Miscellaneous Facts:

Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose

  Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose Arjun Sen Gupta   Public Sector Enterprise Autonomy Committee         Rangarajan Committee   Disinvestment of PSUs & Balance of Payments. Malhotra Committee   Insurance Sector & its regulation. Follow up led to setting up of IRDA. Madhukar Committee   Gold exchange traded fund implementation. L.C. Gupta Committee … Read more Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose

Four Modes of Services under GATT

  Four Modes of Services under GATT Mode 1 Cross border trade, which is defined as delivery of a service from the territory of one   country into the territory of other country; Mode 2 Consumption abroad – this mode covers supply of a service of one country to the service   consumer of any … Read more Four Modes of Services under GATT

Direct & Indirect Taxes

    Direct & Indirect Taxes   Direct Tax   Indirect Tax     Corporation Tax   Excise Duties     Income Tax   Service Tax     Interest Tax   Central Value Added Tax (Vat)     Expenditure Tax   Sales Tax     Wealth Tax   Property Tax     Gift Tax   … Read more Direct & Indirect Taxes

Components of Money Supply

    Components of Money Supply   M1 Consists of currency with the public (ie notes & coins in circulation minus cash with the banks)   plus demand deposits with the bank (deposits which can be withdrawn without notice) plus   other deposits with RBI (usually negligible). Also called narrow money M2 M1 + saving … Read more Components of Money Supply

Organizations & Their Survey/Reports

Organizations & Their Survey/Reports 1. World Economic & Social Survey U. N 2. World Investment Report UNCTAD 3. Global Competitiveness Report World Economic Forum 4. World Economic Outlook IMF 5. Business Competitive Index World Economic Forum 6. Green Index World Bank 7. Business Confidence Index NCAER 8. Poverty Ratio Planning Commission 9. Economic Survey Ministry … Read more Organizations & Their Survey/Reports