West Bengal: Planned Development


West Bengal has the fifth-highest GSDP in India in 2015 , registering a growth rate of 17.11% in 2013–2014 and 13.35% in 2014–2015. Agriculture is the leading economic sector in West Bengal. The state has been observed that there has been a slow but steady decline in the percentage share of industry and agriculture over the years. To garner the benefits form India’s growth as an emerging market, the state government has taken various steps and reforms in state. Some of the major government efforts in this direction are-


There are three boards under this department for more holistic planning in the state. They are:-

  • State Planning Board:-

State Planning Board is the apex organisation under guidance of which the Department of Planning carries out activities on Plan formulation and Plan Monitoring.
The State Planning Board issues investment clearance in respect of all Plan schemes taken up by different State Government Departments which involve cost estimate of Rs. 1.0 Crore or more.Annual Plan of the State for 2006-2007 has been finalised under guidance of the State Planning Board and in consultation with other Departments of the State Government.

The State Planning Board, in collaboration with Planning Commission, Government of India took up preparation of State Development Report. The Draft Report had been submitted to Planning Commission. The Report would provide an analysis of different sectors of the State’s economy and will try to project the emerging possibilities in the different sectors.

  • Development & Planning Department:-

The Department of Planning formulates Annual Plans and Five-year Plans under guidance of the State Planning Board and in consultation with other Departments of the State Government. The Department coordinates and monitors implementation of the Annual Plans as well as the Five-Year Plans. The Directorate of Evaluation Manpower and Monitoring are all under the administrative control of the Department of Planning. The Department administers important schemes like BidhayakElakaUnnayanPrakalpa (BEUP) JANGAL MAHAL ACTION PLAN (JAP), Strengthening State Plan for Human Development (SSPHD) and Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS). This Department is also the nodal agency at State level for such nationally important scheme as Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS).

The Natural Resource Data Management System

(NRDMS) Centres in all the Districts of West Bengal are controlled by this Department. Evaluation, Monitoring and Manpower (E. M & M) Branch under the Department of Planning monitors and evaluates State Projects in order ensure that the programme objectives of planned schemes follow the right course to improve the quality of life of the citizens.

  • Later in year 2012-13 this department was bifurcated and a new department of Department of Statistics & Programme Implementation




  • Evaluation, Manpower & Monitoring:-

The Evaluation, Monitoring and Manpower (EM&M) branch was set up for monitoring and evaluation of State Projects and manpower planning in the State. Since inception, it has completed 81 studies on various government Programmes, out of which 8 reports have been published in one compendium. EM&M has brought out reports on evaluation studies on Bio-gas (National Project on Bio-gas development – a case study in West Bengal) and Libraries of Rural Areas recently. Other studies such as study on Ashram Hostel, Border Area Development Programme are in the process of finalisation. It has taken up evaluation study on Non-formal education programme, Tourism in Ajodhya hill area and micro watershed project at KumariKanan, Purulia.

Following evaluation programmes are proposed to be taken up:-

1.Evaluation of schemes taken up under PaschimanchalUnnayanParshad (PUP) fund
2.Study on stagnation and dropouts in schools in both rural and urban areas of three Districts viz. Jalpaiguri, Birbhum and North 24 Parganas
3.Study on Ashram Hostels established under BADP in Mathabhanga Block of Cooch Bihar District
4.Study on photo voltaic lighting system for Border Outposts provided under BADP in Jalpaiguri District
5.Study on Library services ( sponsored libraries)
  1. Urban Development and Municipal Affairs Planning:-

The Urban Development Department, which was previously known as the Metropolitan Development Department presently has three Branches viz. Metropolitan Branch, Town and Country Planning Branch and Urban Land Ceiling Branch, each of which has a different history of its own.

In 1961 the Kolkata Metropolitan Planning Organization, the first of its kind in India, was set up through a resolution of the Development and Planning Deptt., to develop a comprehensive development plan for the Metropolis of Calcutta.For all round development of certain other local areas, Kanchrapara Area Development Scheme (Kalyani Township) and Patipukur Township were undertaken by the Development & Planning Department in the fifties and sixties.Present Municipal Affairs Department was created in the year 1991 vide Home (C&E) Department on 29 June, 1991 by bi-furcating the Local Government and Urban Development Department.



In the State,Organised planning started with enactment of the West Bengal Town & Country (Planning & Development) Act, 1979. Under the provisions of the said Act different Development and Planning Authorities were constituted, and the said Development and Planning Authorities took important part in the work of Planning and Development of the Urban as well as rural areas under their respective limits by assisting the Local Bodies in this areas.

By 74th constitute amendment act 1992, the Urban Local Bodies became the primary units for preparation of Draft Development Plans, which are to be integrated bythe District Development Committees, constituted under the West Bengal District Planning Committee Act, 1994, in the case of districts, and in the case of Urban Local Bodies in Metropolitan areas by the Metropolitan Planning Committee constituted under the West Bengal Metropolitan Planning Committee Act, 1995.

                      Further, Participation of poor families in planning and implementation of slum level Basic Infrastructure Development as well as Socio-Economic Development has been ensured through formation of Community Based Organisation.

  • Recent initiatives taken by department of municipal affairs are:-
  • Primary health services
  • Draft development plan
  • Accounting reforms new
  • Unit area method
  • Solid waste management
  • Administration reforms etc.



Panchayats& Rural Development Department of the Government of West Bengal is entrusted with the responsibility of constitution and framing policy related to functioning of the rural local self-government, ie, the Panchayats, providing administrative support to the three tier panchayat system as well as implementation of various rural development programmes including the major poverty alleviation programmes in the rural areas of the State. The Department also organizes community action for participatory planning and development through the elected Panchayat bodies at different levels.

The Department of Panchayats& Rural Development aims at facilitating economic and social development in the rural areas of the State and organize community action in all development initiatives in the rural sector by utilising Central/State Sector programmes. The thrust areas of the Department include the following :
  • Deepening and widening decentralisation through the Panchayat bodies
  • Training and capacity building of the Panchayat bodies for better governance
  •  Organizing the rural poor in Self Help Groups for their socio-economic development
  •  Augmenting livelihood opportunities for the rural population
  •  Sustainable development of natural resources
  • Providing social security and safety nets to the disadvantaged and socially excluded
  •  Improving the social and physical infrastructure in the rural areas
  •  Improving service delivery in the field of elementary education and preventive health care in collaboration with the respective departments of the state government

West Bengal is one of most favourite tourist destination in India. It is famous for Toy train, Darjeeling hill stations and natural beauty there etc. To promote tourism in state , government has taken up a plan to develop new tourism circuits covering places of historical interest on priority basis.
The state government has plans to develop a tourism circuit covering places in Bankura district like Bishnupur – famous for terracotta temples of 17th and 18th centuries – and Mukutmanipur, where the second biggest earth dam of the country is located.


The West Bengal government is planning to set up 10 smart cities. The areas or townships selected include New Town – Rajarhat, Durgapur, Bolpur, Kalyani, Baruipur, Gangasagar, Debanandapur, Raghunathpur, Phulbari and Jaigaon.Among these government in planning to make Rajarhat a financial hubas the next-in-line to Mumbai’s BandraKurla.



Kolkata and Madhyamgram are being planned to develop as solar cities and solar cityt master plan has prepared for these cities.

  1. The West Bengal Small Industries Development corporation:-

Established in 1961 with an objective to promote small enterprenuers in a wider business arena.At present more than 200 SSI units are being assisted on regular basis.

The estate under WBSIDC are well equipped with infrastructure facilities like road, power, water, drainage etc.

There are about 2500 small scale units in all the estate of WBSIDC with functioning rate of more than 80%. Many small scale units have become medium and large scale also in the recent past under the guidance of WBSIDC.

The corporation is also preparing planned infrastructure for MSME Sector  of export promotion, to ensuring economic growth and employment generation in West Bengal.


Under RastriyaKrishiVikashYojana, the Government of West Bengal has  prepared Comprehensive District Agriculture Plans (CDAPs) covering agriculture and allied sectors based on guide lines issued by the Planning Commission. The State Agriculture Plan (SAP) is the aggregation of physical and financial projections under respective CDAPs covering all the districts and with prioritization of strategies to be adopted and the policy interventions that are necessary. The basic objective of the RKVY is to provide incentives to the State for increasing public investment in agriculture and allied sectors, convergence of related development programmes, facilitating private investment in agriculture infrastructure and sustainable exploitation of available natural resources. The ultimate Goal is to achieve 4% growth rate under the sector.

Vision of State Agriculture Plan:-

  • To achieve sustainable livelihood opportunities for the people through eco friendly, clean and value added Agriculture and related activities. The vision would primarily be articulated to address five important aspects of development namely production, infrastructure, marketing, environment and human for better productivity, environmental sustainability and employability.
  • Creation of sustained employment opportunity for the rural people, including the landless Vision To achieve sustainable livelihood opportunities for the people through eco friendly, clean and value added Agriculture and related activities
  • To encourage the concept of development with peoples’ participation which will help in generating the feeling of ownership.

Apart from all these West Bengal government  has introduced State Master plan in 2016, Land use and development Control plan, Loal level planning like Raniganj Master plan and Kolkata Metro master plan etc.

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