Monetary Policies

Monetary policy is the process by which the monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money, often targeting an inflation rate or interest rate to ensure price stability and general trust in the currency. Objectives of Monetary Policies are:-  Accelerated growth of the economy Balancing saving and investments Exchange rate stabilization Price stability Employment … Read more Monetary Policies


Current Status It is the largest and fastest growing sector globally contributing to the global output and employing more people than any other sector Why has services sector grown? Increase in urbanisation, privatisation and more demand for intermediate and final consumer services Availability of quality services is vital for the well being of the economy … Read more Services

Evolution of Indian Constitution

  Although the systems of ancient India do have their reflections in the Constitutions of India, the direct sources of the Constitution lie in the administrative and legislative developments of the British period.   Regulating Act of 1773 This Act was based on the report of a committee headed by the British Prime Minister Lord … Read more Evolution of Indian Constitution

Economic Growth, Development & Planning 

  Economic Growth Economic growth means an increase in real GDP. This increase in real GDP means there is an increase in the value of national output / national expenditure. Economic growth is an important macro-economic objective because it enables increased living standards and helps create new jobs. Measurement of Economic Growth Economic growth is … Read more Economic Growth, Development & Planning 

Indian Economy in global Scenario

  The global macroeconomic landscape is currently chartering a rough and uncertain terrain characterized by weak growth of world output. The situation has been exacerbated by; (i) declining prices of a number of commodities, with reduction in crude oil prices being the most visible of them, (ii) turbulent fnancial markets (more so equity markets), and … Read more Indian Economy in global Scenario

Concept of Developing, Emerging and Developed countries.

  In 1978, the World Bank, for the first time, constructed an analytical country classification system. The occasion was the launch of the World Development Report. Annexed to the report was a set of World Development Indicators (WDI), which provided the statistical underpinning for the analysis. The first economic classification in the 1978 WDI divided … Read more Concept of Developing, Emerging and Developed countries.

12 Finance Commission of India

  The Twelfth Finance Commission  was appointed under the chairmanship of C. Rangarajan on November 1, 2002 to make recommendations regarding the distribution between the Union and the States of net proceeds of shareable taxes, the principles which should govern the grants- in-aid of the revenues of States from the Consolidated Fund of India and … Read more 12 Finance Commission of India

Export Import (EXIM) Policy  of India  

Export Import Policy or  Exim Policy or Foreign Trade Policy is a set of guidelines and instructions related to the import and export of goods. Various Objectives of Exim Policy are :- To facilitate sustained growth in exports from India and import in India. To stimulate sustained economic growth by providing access to essential raw … Read more Export Import (EXIM) Policy  of India  

Public Finance, Monetary Policies, Inflation & Control Mechanism, Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, CRR & SLR.- For RAS RTS Exam

Table of Content:- Public Finance Monetary Policies Inflation & Control Mechanism, Repo Rate Reverse Repo Rate CRR SLR. Public Finance Public finance is the study of the role of the government in the economy. It is the branch of economics which assesses the government revenue and government expenditure of the public authorities and the adjustment … Read more Public Finance, Monetary Policies, Inflation & Control Mechanism, Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, CRR & SLR.- For RAS RTS Exam