Daily current affair 27 October 2015 the hindu and indian express

Sudarshan Pattanaik– Sand sculpture artist

Kullavi Nati-Traditional dance of Kullu in Himachal Pradesh

Karvan-e-aman-Indo Pak bus service between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad capital of Pakistan occupied Kashmir it was started in the year 2005
Aman Setu or peace Bridge –is in uri sector

Retributive sentencing

  • Retributive justice is a theory of justice that considers punishment, if proportionate, to be the best response to crime. Such sentencing are drawn especially from Idea such as torture ,decapitation ,mutilation and chopping off of Parts of the body as form of punishment
  • Chemical Castration or the injection of drugs that reduces testro level and control libido,is used in several USA States and other countries.
  • Castration would violate Human Rights treaties such as the international Covenant on civil political rights which bar cruel and unusual form of punishment
  • Justice JS Verma committee 2013 recommended for reaching changes to the criminal law to protect women from sexual offences, also received suggestion to that effect

Various stages of historical development in writing of Indian history

  • Stage 1– Vedic texts such as -the great Epic Ramayana & the Mahabharata , the India’s Puranas , the Buddhist and Jain Canonical texts,  hagiographies , biographies,  inscriptions Chronicles and Theatrical compositions like Mudra Rakshasa
  • Stage 2-Court narratives such as by Abul Fazal
  • Stage 3-Colonial inventions- James Mills metamorphose the entire long history of ancient and mediaeval India. history of British rule published in 1818 created the tripartite division of India’s past into Hindu, Muslim and British period .the foundation of the infamous divide and rule strategy could be traced to his historical definitions
  • Stage 4-After independence Karl Max influenced some Indian writers who criticized the collonial rule and its exploitative capitalist policies.
  • Stage 5-19 eighty’s and ninety’s the history of women and gender ,Ecology, interpersonal relation, sexualities ,history of the notion of time & space, perception of masculinity and femininity & the nature of policies alternative

Dam on Brahmaputra

  • Zam hydro power station on yarlung
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    zangbo river in China ,considered to be the largest hydropower station in Tibet. It will have downstream effects in India especially in arunachal pradesh and Assam
  • Suspicion and lack of information data sharing on the shared River system has restricted the development of Indo Chinese river systems
  • Track 2 and track 3 level dialogue process have the potential to enable greater people to people interaction and will reduce trust deficit by changing the way Indian and Chinese approach to solution
  • Bangladesh China India Myanmar (BCIM) Corporation Framework can create an enabling environment for Mutual inclusive sub regional participation and water resource sharing

Atal innovation mission

  • The task of Atal innovation mission will be of identifying and nurturing an idea with the potential to be an Indian enterprise equivalent of Google and other multinational companies
  • the organisation will identify critical path breaking innovations where it would actively pursue implementation in coordination with the NITI ayog and the Prime Minister’s office

Daigo Garcia

  • is 17 square Mile horseshoe-shaped coral atol in the Indian Ocean archipelago ,strategically located between East Africa , the Middle East and South Asia
  • during the cold war between release date to United States and now it service as refuelling centre for us war planes
  • Recently many Indian fisherman are arrested in the waters around Daigo Garcia by the british authorities.

National mission for Clean Ganga- Namami Gange

  • Union government has proposed to out-source sewage management in 118 towns and cities along the Ganga to corporate entities as a part of Namami Gange
  • Evidences have shown that localbodies specially in a smaller towns do not have the resources or capacities to setup, operate and maintain modern sewage systems and treatment plants


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