Moral values (rights and Duties; Good and Virtues)

Moral values (rights and Duties; Good and Virtues) Man has the quality of thinking, if he makes this process so far as he becomes able to establish a relation with itself, through this process of thinking, in the sense that he does not see itself simply as an executor of the actions, but simultaneously as … Read more

Communication systems

Communication System  The word communication has been derived from Latin ward ―communis‖ which means common. Thus communication means sharing of ideas is common. It can be defined as exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions between two or more persons to create a common ground of understanding.  Communication is the process of passing … Read more

e-governance and e- commerce,

E- Governance E-government refers to the delivery of national or local government information and services via the Internet or other digital means to citizens or businesses or other governmental agencies. E-government is a one-stop Internet gateway to major government services. E-government facilitates provision of relevant government information in electronic form to the citizens in a … Read more

States of Matter

States of Matter Solids are formed when the attractive forces between individual molecules are greater than the energy causing them to move apart. Individual molecules are locked in position near each other, and cannot move past one another. The atoms or molecules of solids remain in motion. However, that motion is limited to vibrational energy; … Read more


The elements or mineral nutrients are always in circulation moving from non-living to living and then back to the non-living components of the ecosystem in a more or less circular fashion. This circular fashion is known as biogeochemical cycling (bio for living; geo for atmosphere). Nutrient Cycling: The nutrient cycle is a concept that describes … Read more

Scarcity of water, methods of conservation-rain water harvesting and watershed management, ground water management

  Scarcity of water   Water scarcity is possibly to pose the greatest challenge on account of its increased demand coupled with shrinking supplies due to over utilisation and pollution. Water is a cyclic resource with abundant supplies on the globe. Approximately, 71 per cent of the earth’s surface is covered with it but fresh … Read more

Forestry of Rajasthan

  Rajasthan is blessed with great variety of natural resources ranging from scanty vegetation in the western arid region to mixed delicious and sub-tropical evergreen forests in the east and south east of Aravali ranges. Forest cover is 32744.49 is reserved, 18222 Protected Forest 2046.75 is unclassified forest) which is about 9.57% of the total … Read more

Dairy and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan.

Dairy and Animal husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan What is Animal Husbandry Animal Husbandry is a branch of agriculture, which comprises of controlled cultivation, management, up keeping and production of domestic animals (like cattles, horses, sheeps etc.) which includes improvement in the qualities considered desirable by humans by means of breeding, genetics, behavior and … Read more

Geological and Physiographic divisions of India

Three Geological divisions: The peninsular block The Himalayas and other Peninsular Mountains Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain   Peninsualar block is made of gneisses (metamorphic) and granites (igneous). Six physiographic divisions: The Northern and North-eastern Mountains The Northern Plain The Peninsular Plateau The Indian Desert The Coastal Plains The Islands Northern and North-Eastern Mountains Approximate length of the … Read more

Indian monsoon, mechanism, onset and retreat

  The word “monsoon” comes from the Arabic word mausim, meaning season.Monsoons refer to a system of winds in the tropical regions under which the direction of winds is reversed completely between the summer and the winter seasons. Under this system, the winds blow from land to sea in winter and from sea to land … Read more