Disaster Management Models

 Disaster management models. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including community, Concept of first responders Disaster management (DM) is a challenging domain to model because of the variety of dynamic characteristics attached to the domain. Metamodeling is a model-driven approach that describes how semantic domain models can be built into an artifact called a … Read more Disaster Management Models

El Nino

 El Nino El Niño is the name given to the occasional development of warm ocean surface waters along the coast of Ecuador and Peru. When this warming occurs the usual upwelling of cold, nutrient rich deep ocean water is significantly reduced. El Niño normally occurs around Christmas and usually lasts for a few weeks to a few … Read more El Nino

Census Of India

 Census of India : Economic and Social features Rural and urban population Altogether, 833.5 million persons live in rural area as per Census 2011, which was more than two-third of the total population, while 377.1 million persons live in urban areas. Urban proportion has gone up from 17.3 per cent in 1951 to … Read more Census Of India

Distribution Of Major Natural Resources Of World

 Distribution of major natural resources of World-Water, Soils,  Forests in reference to South and South-East Asia     Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinent) Natural resources are highly valued because human beings are dependent on them to fulfil their fundamental needs that changes with … Read more Distribution Of Major Natural Resources Of World

Oceans And Continents

 Introduction to Continents and Ocean Basins Continents and ocean basins being fundamental relief features of the globe are considered as ‘relief features of the first order’. It is, therefore, desirable to inquire into their mode of possible origin and evolu­tion. Different views, concepts, hypotheses and theo­ries regarding the origin of the continents and … Read more Oceans And Continents


 Population : Regional Pattern of Growth India’s population is young. Its birth and death rates are both near the global average. More than half the population is under age 30 and less than one-fourth is age 45 or older. Life expectancy is about 68 for men and 70 for women. A population explosion … Read more Population


 NATURAL RESOURCES OF INDIA What are natural resources ? Natural resources are useful raw materials that we get from the Earth. They occur naturally, which means that humans cannot make natural resources. Instead, we use and modify natural resources in ways that are beneficial to us. The materials used in human-made objects are natural … Read more NATURAL RESOURCES OF INDI1